Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 561 Grandpa is here

Chapter 561 Grandpa is here
Jun Lifeng still had the same idea. No matter what kind of power she had, it could only serve her Jun family.

And she never felt that there was anything wrong with her ideas.

Because this is what she has been taught since childhood, the interests of the Jun family come first.

Jun Lirou also agreed. She tilted her head, nodded her chin, gestured to the next room, and lowered her voice: "Sister, what do you think about Nianyun?"

Jun Nianyun has now had a showdown with Jun Lifeng, saying that her biological mother found her when she was abroad.

Only then did she find out that her biological mother was also from Xuanmen and was the head grandmother of the Miao clan.

Many years ago, due to a family feud, Jun Nianyun was lost while fleeing.

Only after regaining control of the family in the past two years did Jun Nianyun's mother have the energy to find her lost daughter.

It was also a coincidence that I met Jun Nianyun abroad.

Because Jun Nianyun and Miao Jiang's grandmother looked very similar, Miao Jiang's grandmother requested a paternity test with her, and it was found that the two were indeed mother and daughter.

Jun Lirou leaned closer to Jun Lifeng again and leaned into her ear.

"Sister, it seems strange that some biological mother suddenly appears at this time. Do you think Nianyun has another purpose in staying in the Jun family for so many years?"

They wouldn't have thought this way before, but now that even their mothers have such a great background, they have to think more about some things.

Jun Lifeng looked clear: "Whether Nianyun really doesn't know his life experience or pretends not to know his life experience, it doesn't matter.

You just need to understand that it is enough that our current goals are the same, and we will talk about the other things later. "

They all have their own plans and are just taking advantage of each other.

Jun Lirou never had any ideas of her own. Whatever Jun Lifeng said was whatever she said.

"Yes, I understand. By the way, eldest sister, Nian Yun said that we should take some time to check out the backyard of the old house. She thinks there is something fishy about that place. When do you think we should go?"

After finishing speaking, Jun Lirou looked hesitant: "I had an argument with the old man not long ago. If I go there now, I might be kicked out by the old man before I even reach the backyard." "I will arrange this. "



After receiving the paper man gift, Tang Yan originally planned to go to Bai's house immediately.

At this moment, Mr. Jun called and said that Jun Liyan's grandfather was here and asked him to meet him at his old house.

At this time, Jun Liyan had gone to practice somewhere. No one could see him, and he couldn't be reached by phone.

Jun Jinghuai walked in with scissors. The cuckold paper man floated so fast that he didn't even catch it.

"Great-grandfather? Hasn't he been buried a long time ago? Why, he faked his body? Is that so?"

Assistant Sun stood aside and secretly pressed the record button.

Very good. If this kid disobeys me in the future, play this recording to him and see if he doesn't obey.

Tang Yan thought that since the other party showed up so blatantly, Xiao Lan's life experience was no longer a secret.

So he briefly told Jun Jinghuai about Xiao Lan's origin.

Jun Jinghuai was stunned for more than ten seconds before he came back to his senses: "Fuck, is my grandma so powerful? Then I can fly in the sky in the future?"

Taoist people = Taoist people can fly = Taoist people's descendants can also fly.

I really don’t know how this kid’s brain circuits grow.

(End of this chapter)

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