Chapter 601 Old Lady Crow
The little girl felt lucky in her heart. Fortunately, what she just said was true.

Tang Yan continued: "Furthermore, we are going to Lanxi Village. Based on the image of our group, if we enter the village, it will 100% arouse the vigilance of the people inside.

Bringing a child will somewhat soften the weirdness of our group. Maybe the villagers will be less defensive when they see children present. "

Using paper tying is a double-edged sword.

Xiao Yi gave a thumbs up: "Tangtang, awesome, you are a real master."

Xiao Bing agreed: "I'm convinced."

Miao Yuan smiled: "Hey, it's a pity that the young monk is a monk. Otherwise, he would definitely pursue Miss Tang very enthusiastically."

Xiao B and Xiao C glared at him at the same time: "Don't even think about it. We, Tangtang, are famous people who have their own rights."

Jun Wu is just an ordinary person. Although he is a bit useless, he is still the son of his junior sister.

Speaking of which, we are one family.

This fat water must not flow to outsiders.

Tang Yan stepped on the accelerator: "Okay, let's go to Lanxi Village. Little girl, you can point to the specific location of your home when the time comes."

It was about to meet her parents, so she was a little nervous. The little girl's face gradually turned red and she said, "Yeah."

Tang Yan's car drove out of the thick fog not long after.

Xiao Yi glanced back: "It's strange, what is that fog, and why hasn't it disappeared yet?"

Xiao Bing: "Well, I thought it was done by the guardian of the Netherworld Gate before, but now it seems that's not the case."

Miao Yuan also had a rare serious expression: "It seems that Lanxi Village is not easy to get into."


Not long after Tang Yan and the others left the thick fog, the fog suddenly disappeared.

Then, an old lady and a crow appeared where the thick fog had been.

"Quack... Master, what's going on? The little one who escaped is missing? I really trapped her here before."

The wrinkled old lady tilted her head and sniffed the air with her nose. "Master, have you discovered anything?"

The old lady raised her crutch and smashed a big stone beside the road: "Why? Why is there no breath at all?"

"Is there some powerful monk here? The Duan family's ancestor worship ceremony is coming soon."

"I don't know. They have never invited outsiders to their ancestor worship ceremony. I don't know what is going on at the moment. Let's talk about it when we get back."

"Quack, quack, yes, master."


Because there was no one on the road now, Tang Yan drove as fast as possible to the entrance of Lanxi Village, which took about half an hour.

The group got out of the car.

Tang Yan looked at his watch. It was already ten o'clock in the evening. There were only sparse lights in the village, and most of the villagers were already asleep.

Because it is quiet, even a small movement can make a loud sound.

Tang Yan lowered his voice as much as possible so as not to disturb the resting villagers.

"Kid, take me to your home now."

"Yes." The little girl couldn't wait to walk in front: "Follow me."

Xiao B and Xiao B observed the small village at night while walking.

Xiao B: "Brother, have you discovered anything?"

Xiao C: “Nothing at the moment, everything looks normal.”

Not long after, they arrived at the door of the little girl's house.

"Ding ding ding." Tang Yan knocked on the door very gently.

(End of this chapter)

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