Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 602 Refusing to Stay Overnight

Chapter 602 Refusing to Stay Overnight
The little girl’s family hadn’t rested yet, and the lights were still on in the house.

"Who is it?" he asked inside and opened the door.

The first person to walk out was a young woman. After seeing Tang Yan and the others, she was stunned for a moment, then stepped back a few steps with a defensive look on her face.

"You, who are you?"

Mainly this group of people, their appearance is really weird.

A girl who was even more beautiful than a celebrity was holding a child about three years old on her hand.

Behind them are three men.

A bald man in a flowery shirt looks like a monk but doesn't look like one.

There were two other men, one with pink hair and one with green hair.

In comparison, the little girl and the child were much more normal.

No, that child is not normal either. The way he looks at her is weird, as if he is a little too excited.

At this moment, the man of the house also walked out: "Sister Ding, who is here?"

The woman quickly stood next to the man: "I don't know, did you knock on the wrong door?"

Tang Yan smiled slightly and looked very friendly: "Ah, that's the case. We originally took the national highway to the next county, but when the car drove near here, we didn't pay attention and the tire was punctured by a nail on the road.

Because the spare tire had been used a few days ago, and there was no time to prepare a new spare tire in the car, there was no way to change the tire myself.

You have also seen a group of us. If we were to squeeze into the car to rest at night, we would not be able to squeeze in.

There is really no other way, so we came to a nearby village to see if we could stay overnight. We will wait for the car repairman to come over tomorrow and leave after the car is repaired. "

When Tang Yan was talking, he was always holding the little girl's hand.

It's not that she likes children, but that she silences her voice and makes her temporarily unable to move, so she can only respond to her inner instructions.

The child is still young and mentally immature, so his acting skills will definitely not be as natural as those of adults, not to mention that the parents in front of him are the parents who the little girl misses deeply.

If you don't control her, she might do something unexpected.

Tang Yan continued: "If you don't believe it, you can go to the national highway not far from the village entrance and have a look. Our broken car is parked there."

She had already punctured the tire when she got out of the car, so there was no flaw in her words.

The woman looked at the man next to her: "Brother Xing, what do you think we should do?"

The man glanced outside twice, his eyes looking a little tired: "I'm sorry, you can go somewhere else. There are so many of you, and we don't have enough beds to sleep in our house."

Tang Yan's group was still a bit strange, and the man was very wary.

The woman also nodded and said, "Yes, you can go to the village chief's house. Just follow the road outside my house and walk to the end. The village chief is enthusiastic and his house is big, so he will definitely be able to accommodate you."

Tang Yan immediately replied: "You are talking about the house at the end. I saw from a distance that the lights were turned off just now. Since they have already rested, I don't think it is good to disturb them at this time.

It doesn't matter if the bed here is small. The brothers behind me don't have to pick one when they go out, and they can make do with a bed on the floor. "

At this time, Tang Yan relaxed his control on the little girl and looked at her.

The little girl immediately understood and sat down on the ground: "Sister, Xiaohua's legs hurt, Xiaohua doesn't want to leave, Xiaohua has to spend the night here, wuwuwu..."

(End of this chapter)

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