Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 603 Crying in the middle of the night

Chapter 603 Crying in the middle of the night
The woman was in a daze and couldn't stand still. This child is also called Xiaohua?It's the same nickname as her daughter.

Her mood rose instantly, feeling a little uncomfortable and a little relaxed.

Tang Yan took out another stack of banknotes from his bag: "We will not stay for free, we will pay according to the price of a country hotel on the market. Considering that we are here so late to cause trouble to you, we are willing to pay double the price. "

No matter how much nonsense you talk, it is not as tempting as the power of money.

This village is not very far from Crossing Evil Mountain.

There is a very famous Taoist temple on Mount Due. Usually, many good men and women go there to pray for good fortune and fortune telling.

In addition, the scenery of Lanxi Village is particularly beautiful, and the residential houses are new rural renovated houses funded by the government.

There are many people coming and going to cross the Evil Mountain, and there are also many people who come here to visit and enjoy the scenery.

The villagers also have an extra income from tourism.

But after a strange virus broke out in the village, fewer and fewer people came here.

Correspondingly, the income of villagers has also been reduced.

The money Tang Yan took out really made both the man and the woman a little excited.

The man glanced at the woman's belly and got out of the way: "Okay, you guys come in and take a look first. My house is relatively simple. If you don't like it, then I can't earn your money."

Tang Yan and his party entered the house.

It's not as shabby as the man said. The furnishings are a bit simple, but they are also very clean.

Tang Yan handed the money to the man: "We have decided to stay at your house. We will ask you to prepare more breakfast tomorrow morning. Don't worry, we won't disturb you for too long. We will leave after the car is repaired."

The man took the money and put it directly into his pocket without counting it: "Okay, I'll go upstairs and make a bed for you. We only have two guest rooms left. You and the other three men may have to squeeze in by then. .”

Miao Yuan clasped her hands together and said, "We don't have to pay that much attention when we are away from home." The man glanced at the strange monk again, then took the woman upstairs to make the bed.

The little girl wanted to follow her, but Tang Yan twisted her collar and pulled her back.

She lifted the little girl up and whispered in her ear: "If you want your parents to be safe, you'd better pretend not to know them. Think about it, you can't even remember how you died. Just Stop acting rashly.”

The green light in the little girl's eyes flickered, and finally returned to normal. She lowered her head and said timidly: "Well, I listen to my elder sister."

Haha, who knows if he is really obedient, anyway, just listen to what the resentful spirit says, don't take it seriously.

Soon, the beds were made, with Tang Yan and the little girl in one room, and Miao Yuan and Xiao Yi and Xiao Bing in the same room.

The room of the man and the woman was next to Tang Yan and the others.

At midnight, a small cry came from next door.

Ordinary people would not be able to hear it, but one of Tang Yan and the little girl was a cultivator, and the other was not a human being.

So the movement next door can be heard clearly.

The little girl opened her eyes and sat up: "Sister, my mother is crying. I want to see her."

"How do you get there? Go through the wall? Aren't you afraid of scaring your parents to death? Even if you don't go through the wall and knock on the door openly, she won't tell you the reason for her crying. She will just treat you as a strange child. "

"But, but, do I really do nothing?"

"It's okay to eavesdrop."


(End of this chapter)

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