Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 605: Walking around the village

Chapter 605: Walking around the village
The little girl pressed against the wall, holding her arms with her hands, her body shaking with fear.

"I don't know, I don't know, my mind is blank, it's just, this, these three words scare me."

Even her teeth were trembling.

Tang Yan snapped his fingers: "Stop, don't think about this, rest. I'm sleepy."

"Then, little sister, can you put me down? You can't let me stick to the wall to rest."

"Why not? Just treat yourself as a decoration and hang it on the wall for one night. Just get used to it."

"Uuuuuuuah, that's too much, little sister, you're too much. You're simply more hateful than us evil spirits."

"Shut up, keep making noise, believe it or not, I will keep you from getting off."

The little girl pouted aggrievedly and closed her eyes. She didn't know if she was really resting or pretending to be resting.

Regardless of this little girl, if she goes mad and sneaks to the next door, it will be quite troublesome.

Just hang it on the wall to save trouble.

Tang Yan fell asleep and fell asleep. The quality of her sleep was still very good, she didn't feel any discomfort at all, and she didn't recognize the bed.

Even though the little girl on the wall stared at her with her eyes open all night, she didn't feel any discomfort.

Early in the morning, men and women were preparing breakfast downstairs.

Miao Yuan knocked on Tang Yan's door and said, "Last night, there was a lot of movement in your house."

Tang Yan pulled the little girl off the wall: "You guys made a lot of noise last night. The three of you had a lot of fun exercising."

Xiao Yi stood behind Miao Yuan and made a dissatisfied voice: "Bah, what kind of sport? What kind of sport? How could your little girl's thoughts be so unclean? We are just fighting for beds, okay?"

Xiao Bing corrected him: "Brother, you don't call it robbery, you call it one-sided abuse by the flower monk."

"Go, go, go, what kind of plastic brother are you? You will die if you don't cause trouble." Xiao Yi walked to Tang Yan and said, "Tangtang, let me tell you, this is a monster monk. All the monks have nothing in common. They have bodhicitta. , to practice bodhicitta and benefit all sentient beings, but this monk actually wants to grab the best position while sleeping. I have never seen such a greedy monk in my long life."

Xiao Yi is called Junior Sister Xiao Lan. In fact, his real age is older than Tang Yan's father. However, his youthful appearance and his out-of-the-box personality make it difficult for people to regard him as an elder. treat.

Tang Yan led the little girl downstairs, said hello to the host, and then went around the village.

Miao Yuan, Xiao Yi and Xiao Bing also followed.

They stood at the gate for a while.

Miao Yuan asked: "Are we going to travel together? This goal seems a bit big."

If a strange person comes to the village, the villagers may be surprised.

If a group of weirdos came to the village, it would arouse people's alarm.

Tang Yan thought for a while: "Isn't it strange that we are separated? With the way you three dress up, you will be the center of attention wherever you go."

Xiao Yi said angrily: "Don't even look at who caused me to be like this."

Finally, they decided to act together.

They didn't attract too much attention, because this group of people didn't wander around the village, but took a direct detour to a nearby mountain.

Standing halfway up the mountain, you can overlook the entire Lanxi Village.

Tang Yan took out the compass and looked at it: "This Lanxi Village is a treasure of Feng Shui."

Miao Yuan turned the beads in her hand: "Not only that, but there is also a faint light of merit in the sky above Lanxi Village. How on earth could such a blessed place produce resentful spirits?"

(End of this chapter)

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