Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 606 The Village Chief

Chapter 606 The Village Chief
Xiao Yi pointed to the luxurious building at the top of Lanxi Village: "Xiaohua's parents said before that along the road below her house, you will reach the village chief's house at the end. It seems that the richest person in the village is not that The village chief’s house.”

Tang Yan replied: "Who stipulated that the richest person in a village must be the village chief? And who said that the house with the best repairs must be the richest? Maybe the real rich keep a low profile."

Xiao Yi turned his head: "Huh, I can't beat you."

Miao Yuan answered: "I have already inquired about it. The most luxurious house is occupied by an old woman named Zhao Banxian."

"Ah..." the little girl screamed, losing control again.

Tang Yan patted her head hard: "You have to overcome the fear in your heart, otherwise, you will never remember how you died.

Also, you don’t have to be afraid of those three words at all. There are so many of us here. As long as you obey and don’t do anything that harms us, we will definitely not let anything happen to you. "

The little girl stared at Tang Yan with green eyes, and then looked at Miao Yuan.

The pretty girl and this strange monk seem to be very powerful, and they should be able to protect her.

Gradually, she calmed down. Although she was still frightened when she heard the words Zhao Banxian, she was able to control her emotions.

She didn't die of illness at all as her parents said. She must remember the real cause of her death.

"Hey, who are you?" At this moment, a rough voice came from behind.

A middle-aged man carrying a hoe stood not far from Tang Yan and the others, looking at them very defensively.

The half-immortal master was indeed right, a group of weirdos came to Lanxi Village.

Tang Yan turned around, walked over slowly, and repeated the same rhetoric he used to deal with Xiaohua's parents last night.

The middle-aged man looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, who was as beautiful as a fairy. He was silent for a while and then asked: "So the car with a punctured tire at the entrance of the village belongs to you?"

"Yes, uncle, since you have seen that car, you should understand that I didn't lie to you."

"When did you say the repairman would come?"

"I called early in the morning and they said they would arrange for someone to come over as soon as possible. I think the car can be repaired today."

Tang Yan actually didn't call the car repair shop. Anyway, he could delay it for as long as he could.

"Well." The middle-aged man looked back and forth at the group of people in front of him, the defense in his eyes still obvious: "What are you doing here on this mountain so early in the morning?"

Tang Yan had already thought about it: "We, a group of people, have been in the city for a long time and haven't had much time to breathe the fresh air in the mountains. We just came here to enjoy the scenery while climbing the mountains."

The mountain scenery in Lanxi Village is indeed very good, so there is nothing wrong with Tang Yan's statement.

"Uncle, may I ask what your name is?"

"Just call me Village Chief He."

At this time, Xiao Yi came over and said, "Ah, you are the village chief. Village Chief He, I heard that there is a famous and magical half-immortal in Lanxi Village. He can calculate everything. You can know this person's life and future at a glance." , can bring the dead back to life, is this true?”

Xiao Yi had been to Lanxi Village before because of the virus, but he didn't stay here too long because he had some unpleasant encounters with women from the Duan family.

He had heard some rumors in the village, but he didn't know many specific things. For example, he didn't know that the most luxurious building belonged to Zhao Banxian's family.

(End of this chapter)

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