Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 611 The man ran away

Chapter 611 The man ran away
Xiao Bing was speechless: "Brother, what you said has no conscience. Master Miaoyuan reminded you once, and I reminded you once too. It was you who was carried away by hatred. Who can blame you?" .”

If you want to blame, just blame yourself for being stupid.

I just didn't expect that the lying dog who had been scolded by the entire Kunlun sect for so long would be the new leader.

What the hell, you good Taoist people, what kind of game live streaming are you doing?

But then I thought about it, even playing a game was so weird, but it really suited her style.

Xiao Yi squeezed his nose, snorted at Xiao B, and then looked at Tang Yan with a smile: "Tangtang, I was wrong. It's not a lying dog, it's a lying god. You are the only e-sports player in my heart." god.

From now on, I quit your anti-fans association and join your true fans support group. In order to express my sincerity, I decided to hand over a certificate of voting. "

Tang Yan sat back on the chair again: "Oh? What is the certificate of nomination?"

"Let me tell you a secret. In fact, everyone in our Kunlun sect is your hater. The biggest hater among them is our master. He is the one who scolds Lieshen the most. I still have ours here. If you take a screenshot of someone cursing people online, I’ll send you a copy later.”

Miao Yuan calmly narrowed her eyes, Kunlun Sect, it turns out that they are all disciples of Kunlun Sect.

Is this the little girl too?
Except for the daughter of Master Xiao who has passed away long ago, it seems that I have never heard of any other female disciples of the Kunlun Sect before.

However, he doesn't care too much about the privacy of these sects, and just listens to it.

Xiao Bing kicked Xiao B: "Fuck you, you spineless guy, you sold us so easily? Look back, master, I won't take your skin off."

Xiao Yi fully behaved like a sweet dog and pointed at Tang Yan: "Junior brother, times have changed. We should hug Tangtang's thick thigh tightly now. Master and he are a thing of the past."

Anyway, he just let it slip, so he started calling Xiao Bing his junior brother.

Tang Yan waved his hand: "Okay, get up and remember to send me the evidence."

Xiao Yi felt her body relax and immediately got up from the ground: "Okay, Tangtang, you are so beautiful, Tangtang, you are so beautiful."

Xiao Bing held his forehead and said: "This dog-legged look is really ugly."

After the fight, the little girl tugged on Tang Yan's clothes and whispered, "Sister, I'm worried about my dad. I'm afraid something will happen to him."

Tang Yan looked at the woman who was still standing in the yard in a daze: "It's useless to worry anymore. Just wait, there will be results soon."

They waited until about eight o'clock, a long time after dinner, and just after dark, someone knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong..." There was still an urgent knock on the door.

The woman walked behind the door: "Who is it?"

"It's me, Village Chief He, and Chen Xing's wife, please open the door quickly. I have something very important to say to you."

The woman had a bad premonition. She swayed and managed to stand still. She opened the door with trembling hands: "He, Village Chief He, has something happened to Brother Xing?"

When Village Chief He was talking, he looked into the room and glanced at Tang Yan and his group from time to time.

His voice was so loud that Tang Yan and the others could hear him clearly even in the back room.

"We finally controlled Erniu, but he broke away again. Then Erniu ran up the mountain. Chen Xing went to chase him on the mountain. We followed behind. As a result, they ran further and further away. Until now, We don’t know where these two people went.”

(End of this chapter)

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