Chapter 612
In other words, the two cows who ran up the mountain at the same time and the male owner of the family were both missing.

The woman couldn't stand firmly and fell to the side.

Tang Yan quickly rushed to the side and supported her.

The woman came to her senses and said, "No, I want to go to the mountain to find Brother Xing."

Village Chief He quickly stopped her: "It's late at night and it's in the mountains. Where are you going as a pregnant woman? If something happens to you again, how can you be worthy of the ancestors of the Chen family?"

The woman collapsed emotionally and couldn't help crying: "But, but, Brother Xing..."

"Okay, don't be too stubborn. All the men in our village have gone up the mountain to look for someone. You are the only one left. If you, a woman, are still in the way, don't cause trouble."

Village Chief He looked at Tang Yan again: "By the way, little girl, if you have nothing to do, you can also go up the mountain to find someone. There are more people and they are more powerful, so the chance of finding them earlier is greater."

This finally comes to the point. It seems that they are trying their best to frame them up on the mountain.

What kind of trap is set on this mountain?

Tang Yan followed suit and said, "Okay, we have nothing to do at night anyway. The owner of this family is kind enough to let us stay overnight. We should be grateful and help find someone."

Tang Yan shouted twice into the room, and Miao Yuan and others came out. Even the little girl wanted to go out with them.

The woman said: "Wait a minute, this little girl doesn't have to go up the mountain. She can't see the road clearly at night. What if she falls?"

A trace of irritation flashed in Village Chief He's eyes. A woman is a woman, and bad things will happen at critical moments.

However, he still opened his mouth and didn't say anything. He couldn't think of a good way to say it. What if his words were revealed?

Tang Yan still held the little girl's hand: "It's okay, my sister is an all-around sports master in school, better than adults. If she doesn't follow me, she won't be able to sit still, so let her follow."

The woman hesitated: "But..." Village Chief He felt happy and quickly urged: "But what? But, my sister said it's okay, okay, do you still want to find your man? It's time now Still grinding and grinding."

The woman was so shocked that she could not answer.

Village Chief He said again: "Okay, Chen Xing's wife, please go inside and rest quickly. Don't worry, we will definitely get your man back. Also, please think more about what's going on in your belly." Children, please don’t come out and cause trouble for us.”

When it came to the child, the woman became determined: "Okay, I'll go back to the house right now. Village Chief He, you must get Brother Xing back safely. I'm sorry to bother you."

The woman watched Tang Yan and the others leave from a distance, and didn't close the door until they were out of sight.

As soon as she clicked the lock, there was another "dong-dong-dong" knock on the door.

But this time, the knock on the door was different from the previous two. It was very quiet, as if for fear that others would hear it.

The woman was psychologically disturbed by the knocks on the door today. She paused for several seconds before asking, "Who is it?"

There was suddenly no sound outside the house, and the only response to her was the chirping of insects at night.

The woman swallowed nervously: "Don't say anything, I'm entering the house."

"Dong dong dong..." The knock on the door rang a few more times, and then a very weak voice came: "It's me."

The woman immediately heard the voice, and the expression on her face changed from surprise to joy: "Brother Xing, is it you, Brother Xing?"

There was still a small voice outside the house: "Yes, it's me, Sister Ding, please open the door quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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