Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 617 Seal the Great Demon

Chapter 617 Seal the Great Demon
Miao Yuan walked up to Tang Yan and said, "Pretty sister, what do you think?"

"Then Village Chief He mentioned the word "sacrifice", which means there should be an altar under the cliff. Apart from the stone, we didn't see anything else here. In my knowledge system, there should be an altar. I’ve never seen an altar with this shape before.”

As Tang Yan spoke, she moved in the direction of the boulder. As she got closer, she saw that the uneven stone was covered with runes.

These runes are invisible to ordinary people.

"I see."

Xiao Yi asked in confusion: "What? Did you discover anything?"

"Yes." Tang Yan put his hand on the boulder. The boulder flashed and the dense runes on it were revealed.

Xiao Yi was so frightened that he jumped back: "I'm going to choke you, what on earth is this?"

Tang Yan withdrew his hand from the stone, and the runes disappeared again.

She explained: "This is a sealing rune, and judging from the runes, it should be a big demon that was once sealed here."

Demons, like demons, are difficult entities for human monks to deal with.

Monsters that can be considered big monsters are even more difficult to deal with.

Tang Yan thought it was okay. The big demons outside the demon realm were not too powerful.

When Xiao Yi heard the word "big demon", his expression changed: "I'll go, there is such a thing under this cliff, Tangtang, why don't we run away.

To be honest, I know how much I have. I can deal with ordinary demons, but if I deal with big demons, I just send them to my door to be used as feed for the demons. "

Xiao C agreed: "Well, I support running away."

Miao Yuan's focus was different. He glanced at Tang Yan calmly.

This beautiful sister looks young, why does she know so many things?
Even he couldn't understand the runes on it.

You know, he has a photographic memory and has read all the books and classics in the temple.In their sect of monks and Taoism, although he dare not call him the most knowledgeable one, he can still be ranked second with humility.

I am really becoming more and more interested in this beautiful sister. This ride is really worth it.

Miao Yuan didn't know that no matter how much he read, he was only reading human world classics, all written by humans.

But what Tang Yan learned in the Tianshi system covers the six realms.

It's only normal that she can understand things that he doesn't understand.

Tang Yan walked around the huge stone and frowned: "It's strange."

Miao Yuan asked: "What's weird?"

Tang Yan responded: "No resentment was found, which means that the resentment did not occur in this place."

In Lanxi Village, there is a light of merit, a grievance, a big demon, a madman, and a half-immortal who pretends to be a ghost. For a while, there is still no way to connect these clues.

"Ah..." At this moment, Xiaohua screamed and squatted down holding her head, her whole body trembling.

In fact, something was wrong as soon as she walked in front of the stone, but everyone's attention was attracted by the runes on the stone.

He didn't notice her condition until she made a sound.

She has a tendency to turn into evil spirits.

Tang Yan scolded and slapped Xiaohua on the head: "Go back."

Xiaohua finally stabilized and looked up at Tang Yan with a painful expression, tears streaming down her face.

She took a breath, wiped the tears from her face, and stood up again: "Miss, I, I remembered everything."

(End of this chapter)

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