Chapter 618: Memories of Life
No one in the group spoke, but were waiting for the little girl to prepare herself mentally and reveal the secret that made them all curious.

The little girl organized the words in her mind very seriously. Although there was still fear in her eyes, she was gradually able to control her emotions.

And because of Tang Yan's slap just now, a lot of her resentment was relieved.

The little girl spoke loudly, her voice calmer than expected.

"Where should we start? Because the spirit body can know more things than the living body, so I'd better start from the beginning.

Our village is called Lanxi Village. 30 years ago, the villagers here were very poor and often did not have enough to eat.

Although the villagers can produce a lot of food by farming, but who doesn't have an elderly child to support at home, especially if the family has children to go to school, their life will be even more difficult.

This was the original state of Lanxi Village. At that time, Zhao Banxian was not named Zhao, but was just an ordinary middle-aged woman.

One day, Mrs. Zhao had a high fever that wouldn't go away no matter what. She couldn't stand it when she saw people. At that time, her family thought she was going to give up and return to the West.

Who knows, suddenly she gets better, her fever is gone, and she also has the mysterious ability to predict good and bad luck, and can also guide the villagers to change their fortunes.

Under her guidance, the villagers did everything smoothly, and even those who worked outside could get windfalls.

Later, more and more people came to visit this place, and good policies were adopted. The government built a new countryside here and collectively built and renovated houses.

The villagers had lived a very hard life before, but as the days got better and better, they became more and more grateful to Mrs. Zhao, and gradually put her on the altar. Later, everyone called her Zhao Banxian. It turned out that her name was unknown. Not many people remember it.

However, everything comes at a price. Zhao Banxian said that she can change the fate of Lanxi Village, but from now on, girls born in Lanxi Village may not be able to support themselves.

In such a backward place, the life of a girl is not as valuable as that of a boy. The villagers don't think there is any problem. They think it is worthwhile to exchange these girls for glory and wealth.

So since then, some young girls in Nanxi Village have died inexplicably every year, and no girl in Lanxi Village has survived to adulthood.

The women you see in Lanxi Village now are actually married in from outside. "

Xiao Yi couldn't help but interjected: "So you also died inexplicably?"

"Well, I had a high fever at the time, and Zhao Banxian not only knew some very mysterious things, but could also cure diseases, so my parents asked her to come and see me.

At that time, she prescribed some herbal medicine for me, saying that I would be cured after drinking it. If I could not be cured, the only blame would be that I was born a girl due to bad luck. "

When the little girl said this, hatred began to fill her eyes again, and even her expression looked a little ferocious.

"It's my fault that I was born a girl. I was killed by Zhao Banxian. After I drank her herbal medicine, I lost my breath in the middle of the night.

After my death, my spirit body was soaked in a glass bottle in a daze. I saw Zhao Banxian and a beautiful woman with golden light all over her body. "

No wonder Xiaohua hated beautiful women so much before. It seems that beautiful women may also be related to her death.

(End of this chapter)

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