Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 619 Inferring the Truth

Chapter 619 Inferring the Truth
Tang Yan was a little interested in this beautiful woman with golden light: "What kind of golden woman is she?"

Xiaohua tried hard to recall: "That woman was also a spirit body, but it was strange. When I saw her, she had her eyes closed the whole time and was floating in the air. It seemed a bit like she was being controlled by Zhao Banxian."

"Well, go on."

"I only remember that Zhao Banxian came to see me from time to time and said something. The last part of the nourishment is almost finished."

nourishment?It sounds like this little flower is just fodder for some creatures.

Tang Yan asked again: "You said you were put in a glass bottle. Is there anything else in it?"

"Well, it's some black energy. By the way, it's the kind of energy that my body exudes from time to time. That kind of energy can make me lose my mind and become violent and out of control."

"Ah." Xiao Yi shouted: "Here he is, Tangtang, the resentment finally appeared. It turns out that the origin of those resentments is Zhao Banxian's house.

I guess that old guy killed a lot of little girls, and then used his grievances to feed his grievances, and this increasingly intense grievance gradually changed.

It was probably leaked from the old guy's house, infected with animals outside, and turned into a virus that can drive people crazy. "

Miao Yuan rarely looked directly at Xiao Yi: "Brother Lu, it's not easy. You are finally smart for once."

Xiao Yi's reasoning coincided with his.

Xiao Yi glared at him angrily: "Master, I have always been very smart. Only a fool would think that my great wisdom is stupid, huh."

Brother Green, Brother Green, Brother Green, these two words will remind him every time whether there is really a green grassland above his head.

But what the hell, at this age, he has never even held a girl's hand.

If you want grass to grow on your head, you must have the opportunity to grow grass.

Miao Yuan looked at Tang Yan: "Beautiful sister, what do you think about this matter?"

Tang Yan glanced at the sealing boulder next to him and expressed his reasoning based on the currently known information.

"I guess when Mrs. Zhao knew she was about to die, she came to this boulder. She didn't know what method she used, and accidentally released the big demon inside the boulder.

It is impossible for a rural woman to suddenly become proficient in occult arts. Either there is something behind her to guide her, or the sealed thing has replaced her. The real Mrs. Zhao actually passed away 30 years ago. . "

Tang Yan's guess was actually not far from the truth.

Xiao Bing asked: "Then what do you think the situation is?"

"I think it's the latter. The big demon has completely replaced Mrs. Zhao. According to the habits of some demons, manipulation is far less troublesome than replacement, because everyone is afraid of what may happen if the manipulation is not good."

Miao Yuan then asked: "Then what do you think the woman with the golden light is?"

“Based on the current information, we still don’t know what kind of spirit it is.

There are also doubts about the nourishment. It is not yet clear whether the little flower is the nourishment of the big demon or the beautiful woman.

However, the woman was shining with golden light. I boldly guessed that it was the light of merit. She must have had great merit during her lifetime, so she could only see such light of merit in her spiritual body. "

This also explains why there is a light of merit in Lanxi Village. It is probably because of this concern that Chen Li cannot extradite smoothly in this place.

(End of this chapter)

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