Chapter 620

Xiaohua thought of something else: "Oh, by the way, since Mrs. Zhao became Zhao Banxian, her family members have died one after another, and now she is the only one left in the Zhao family.

What she told the villagers was that she had revealed too many secrets, so this was the calamity she deserved in her life.

But in order for the villagers of Lanxi Village to live a good life, she is willing to endure such a disaster.

In the hearts of the villagers of Lanxi Village, Zhao Banxian has sacrificed too much for the whole village. They not only worship her because of her strength, but also regard her as the mother of rebirth.

So, how to describe it, that is to say, the entire village has a blind fanaticism towards Zhao Banxian.

They would never refuse anything Zhao Banxian asked them to do. Even if it was a crime, they would consider it normal. "

Sometimes the collective consciousness is very scary. If you are not assimilated by the collective consciousness, then you are an alien and will be excluded.

In order to survive, people sometimes have to compromise, and in the end they will become paralyzed, and they will no longer have their own thoughts and ideas, and just follow what others say.

Just like the villagers in Lanxi Village, they no longer have their own thinking. They have no laws and morals in their hearts. They only have Zhao Banxian's orders.

Xiaohua felt sad when she thought that her parents might be like this.

Xiao Yi stomped his foot twice: "Damn it, no wonder those villagers were going crazy just now. I think it was Zhao Banxian who instigated them to do it."

At this moment, a strong wind blew, so strong that even an adult could not stand still.

Tang Yan twisted Xiao Hua and pushed it into Xiao Yi's arms: "Keep an eye on her."

Among them, this little girl is the weakest, and the other party is probably coming for her.

Tang Yan had to find a way to deal with the big demon and couldn't concentrate on protecting the little girl, so he had to hand her over to Xiao Yi.

At the same time, he also ordered: "Xiao C, help Xiao B." "Copy that."

Suddenly, the wind stopped.

A huge alien beast appeared in front of them, with a dark green body, like a mutated cow. It screamed like a baby, and a black and translucent crow stood on its horns.

"Quack quack..."

Xiao Yi asked: "What is that broken bird talking about?"

Tang Yan stared at the strange beast closely: "It allows us to die obediently, so we can die more easily."

Xiao B: "How dare a mere monster be so arrogant? Ah, that's not right, Tangtang, why can you even speak animal language? Is there anything you can't do?"

Tang Yan answered seriously, even with a slightly annoyed expression on her face: "Yes, it can make people pregnant, but not this one."

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes, you are a good girl, why do you need this function, and you are so upset, do you really want to go to heaven?

Miao Yuan couldn't help but chuckle: "My beautiful sister is really different."

Xiao Yi changed the subject again and pointed to the cow-like thing in front of him: "Tangtang, what kind of monster is this? I have never seen it before."

"In the Zhongshan Sutra, there is a beast that looks like a cow, has a pale body, and sounds like a baby. It eats people. Its name is Xiqu."

Xiao Yi opened his mouth wide: "What? We actually met the monster in the Classic of Mountains and Seas? This is a rare thing. Junior brother, hurry up, hurry up, take a photo as a souvenir, and you can show it off to your fellow apprentices when you get back."

Xiao Bing kicked him: "Don't think about these inexplicable things at this time. It's more important to save your life now, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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