Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 621 Flame Formation

Chapter 621 Flame Formation
The black crow on the opposite side: "???"

Save your life?

You guys have this relaxed attitude of going shopping for groceries, how do you look like you are so nervous that you need to save your life?

Can you respect these monsters?
Xiao Yi has always been a bit slow, so he hasn't felt much about the intimidation of the big demon in front of him.

But Xiao Bing felt that everything would be fine as long as Tang Yan was here. He was so inexplicably confident.

Miao Yuan looked incomprehensible, feeling that what was happening in front of him was just a small scene to him.

The only person who was afraid was the little girl, hiding in Xiao Yi's arms, her body trembling, her hands holding her tightly.

The great demon Xiqu was irritated by Tang Yan and the others' reaction, and roared like a baby: "嘤嘤嘤嘤..."

This pronunciation does not sound very intimidating, but its voice contains the power of a great demon and can also hurt people.

Tang Yan took out the Demon-Breaking Bow at the same time and used a bow string to skillfully play a note. She used this sound to counter Xiqu's roar.

Xiqu's roar could not hurt her at all, but for Xiao Yi, Xiao Bing and the little girl, that was not necessarily the case.

Therefore, Tang Yan took out his magic weapon immediately.

Miao Yuan turned her face sideways and narrowed her eyes. This girl was holding a magical weapon. Well, he wouldn't be surprised what happened to her.

He even began to doubt Tang Yan's identity.

It's not like she comes from the human world. At her age, monks in the human world cannot have such an opportunity.

It is estimated that some great power from another world came to this human world to overcome the tribulation.

Hey, why do these big guys from other worlds always like to run to the human world? It gives me a headache.

Seeing that his roar had no effect, the big demon on the opposite side kicked the cow's leg angrily, and then several afterimages flashed past and disappeared in front of Tang Yan and the others.

Xiao Yi turned around in a circle and looked around: "Where did the Yingying monster go?" Uh, Yingying monster, you really know how to name it.

But when I think of Xiqu's cry, it's really a strange thing.

Xiao Bing moved to the side, and suddenly a raging fire appeared in front of his eyes.

He hurriedly avoided, but the fire chased after him again.

The same is true for Tang Yan and the others.

This grassland has been surrounded by flames.

It's not an illusion, the fire can really burn people to death.

Tang Yan threw out a few lucky stars and set up a small defensive formation around the boulder: "Quick, get closer to that boulder."

A group of people pressed their backs tightly against the boulder. The flames did not dare to attack anymore, but bared their teeth and claws in front of them, waiting for the opportunity to break through.

Tang Yan's eyes reflected a fire: "That's it."

Xiao Yi stretched out his finger, and when it left the safe range, the flames rushed towards him again. He was so frightened that he quickly retracted his hand: "Tangtang, what is this? What are these flames?"

"No wonder we are led down this cliff. There should be a flame formation under the ground. Once this formation is activated, the flames will not disappear unless all the living creatures in the formation are burned out."

In Xuanmen, those who are proficient in formations are in the minority among all sects.

Xiao B and Xiao C looked at each other. The more they came into contact with Tangtang, the more surprising they became.

The Kunlun faction seems to be the one taking advantage. Master, he is a good dog.

Tang Yan's voice continued: "This formation should be used to deal with the big demon that was sealed, but I don't know what happened. The formation seemed to be controlled by the big demon instead."

(End of this chapter)

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