Chapter 622 You are wrong
Xiao Yi made a dissatisfied voice: "If you ask me, the guy who sealed this big demon in the first place was half-assed. Not only did he fail to trap this big demon, but he also allowed the enemy to control the back-up formation."

In fact, half-assed is not considered half-hearted, but it is true that the strength is not as good as it is. Otherwise, it would not be so troublesome to use the sealing method.

Capable monks usually just eliminate the problem directly.

But the current spiritual energy in the human world is too thin, and the cultivation techniques in Xuanmen are not very advanced. It is normal that it is difficult to produce high-level monks.

A person like Xiao Xiuzhu who reached immortality halfway is a miracle. He must have had some adventure.

Miao Yuan likes to fight with Xiao Yi as always: "Brother Lu, please think of yourself first when talking about others. If you think you are better than that half-hearted person, go for it."

This type of rhetoric appears again, as long as you do what you do, you will do well.

Does he have to plant apple trees before he can eat apples? Doesn’t he have the right to comment and complain?
"Hmph." Xiao Yi leaned closer to Tang Yan: "Just wait, I'll let my Tangtang take care of it."

Miao Yuan continued to complain: "If you can't win in a fight, what's the difference between going home and finding your mother?"

"I want you to take care of it. You flower monk is so good at arguing, why don't you go to the construction site to lift bricks for you?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to let me go."

"I can't bear to leave you, uncle."

"My uncle died at a young age. It would be a bit difficult for you to leave him."


At this time, Tang Yan also said coldly: "I don't want to be a mother, I want to be a father."

Judging from his expression, he seemed a little embarrassed, as if he was making a very important decision.

Xiao Yi: "???" Hey, sister, I really think there's something wrong with you.

...At this time, outside the fire, from where the strange beast and the crow stood, they could clearly see what was going on inside the fire circle.

"Quack...Master, burn them to death, use fire to burn them to death. Whoever lets these stupid humans ignore us monsters must let them know how powerful we are."

Xiqu opened his big copper-bell-like eyes, rolled them a few times, and then spoke after a while: "Look carefully at their expressions."

Black Crow leaned his neck forward and noticed that Tang Yan and the others' expressions showed no signs of nervousness or fear at all. Even the little girl who was afraid of them before seemed to be fine now.

They are demons that frighten human beings. Taoist monks will be so frightened that they will cry for their fathers and mothers when they see them.

Do these people realize the seriousness of the matter?
Where did this bunch of weirdos come from?

"Quack...Master, master, they don't seem to be very afraid of us. Could it be, could it be that they have some trump cards that they haven't brought out yet?"

"No matter what they have to rely on, they must die for me today."

"By the way, what should we do with that little girl's spirit body? It's the nourishment we cultivated with great difficulty."

"Don't worry, this formation has been modified by me. It will only burn the living creatures inside. As for the spirits, they cannot escape from this formation."

"The master is mighty."

After Xiqu finished speaking, the cow stamped its foot, and suddenly the flames shot up into the sky and burned even more fiercely.

The whole cliff was burned red, and even the sky was slightly reflected in red.

But at this time, no one noticed anything unusual here.

Xiqu, in his capacity as Zhao Banxian, told the villagers to close the doors and windows after returning home, and do not look or listen. If they blaspheme the gods, there will be greater disasters waiting for them.

(End of this chapter)

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