Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 624 Intentional Targeting

Chapter 624 Intentional Targeting
For a while, the situation reached a deadlock.

Tang Yan took out a few bamboo sticks from his bag and held the lower part: "Then let's draw lots to decide. There is only one red pick in it. The person who wins the red pick will step on the formation."

Miao Yuan: "!!!"

The bag this girl is wearing is not big, but she always seems to be able to take out some strange things from it. I am really curious about what other strange things are inside.

"Okay." Xiao Yi took out a stick and signed it. The tail was red.

Xiao Bing looked at him with great sympathy: "Brother, it seems that this is God's will."

After saying that, he patted him on the shoulder again: "You can go without worry. Junior brother will take care of the chickens, ducks and geese you raised on Kunlun Mountain for you. When the time comes, I will let them go down to accompany you. You see Do you like braised or steamed?"

Not only did he take over his food rations, but he also made delicious food to satisfy his eyes and kill people. This was too much.

"Hmph." Xiao B glared at Xiao C: "Tangtang, tell me, where is the formation eye?"

Tang Yan took out the stone compass and compared the directions to find the formation eye.

This Vientiane Astrolabe is spiritual, and only Tang Yan can use it after recognizing its owner.

Moreover, only she could see the hands and Bagua patterns displayed on it.

Therefore, even if outsiders were to give full play to their imagination, they would never imagine that this stone turned out to be a compass.

Xiao Yi looked at the bare stone in Tang Yan's hand strangely: "Is there something wrong with Tangtang's brain? Using a stone to find the formation's eye? I thought she would take out the compass from her bag."

Miao Yuan corrected him: "Everyone has their own secret skills. You are also a Xuanmen monk and you don't understand this. You also said that people have brain problems. This is really too much."

Miao Yuan gives people the impression of being very out of place, and it is really rare to be so rude to others.

Xiao Bing frowned, it seemed like that was the case. Senior brother was jumping off his feet, but he was not a fool. Why did he seem to be an idiot when he asked several questions.Xiao B took another look at Xiao B and felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't pinpoint what was wrong.

As if Tang Yan didn't hear the conversation between these people, he quickly found the formation eye and put away the compass: "Xiao B, where you are standing, the point 75 degrees and 300 meters away in the southeast is the formation eye. It’s not too late, go ahead and step on it.”

Xiao Yi's face changed slightly: "I'll give it a try. If you want to run 300 meters in such a fire, you'd better kill me directly."

Tang Yan: "Then are you going or not?"

"Go, go, I'm willing to admit defeat. Master, am I the kind of person who can't afford to lose?"

Xiao Yi originally wanted to give the little girl in his hand to Xiao B, but Tang Yan took it first.

He grabbed the green wig on his head, threw it to the ground, and gritted his teeth: "Look, you still need me to save your lives. Please remember my greatness and wait for me."

After saying that, he rushed out, running in the fire while resisting the fire in his own way.

Miao Yuan looked at Tang Yan: "Can you show me your signatures?"

"Ah, here." Tang Yan took out the lots he had just drawn and handed them over.

Miao Yuan took it in her hand and saw that the tail was all red.

In other words, no matter how the green bastard is drawn, he can only win the red lottery.

Miao Yuan understood immediately: "Are you targeting him deliberately?"

Tang Yan answered very calmly: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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