Chapter 625
Miao Yuan didn't think Tang Yan was a stingy person, so she probably had other reasons for doing this.

what is the root cause?He couldn't think of it right now.

Sometimes this beautiful girl always gives people a very mysterious feeling, and it is completely impossible to guess what she is thinking.

"Why?" Miao Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"That little fool just needs to suffer more to gain IQ."

Xiao B: "???" Although you are speaking Chinese, I don't understand what you are saying at all.

At this moment, Xiao B ran to a place 50 meters away from the destination and stopped. His ability had reached the limit and he could no longer resist the flames.

Tang Yan threw the little flower into the air: "You go."

Xiao Hua's body turned into a big piece of paper and flew over, then wrapped around Xiao Yi. In an instant, the flames were completely blocked.

Xiao Yi looked surprised: "Holy shit, this paper tying technique is too awesome. Isn't it invulnerable to water and fire? I must learn this mysterious technique."

Xiao Yi got up from the ground, quickly ran to the center of the formation, and stood there firmly, motionless.

Tang Yan threw eight talismans in eight directions at the same time.

The flame formation was broken.

The grass returned to its previous appearance.

Xiao Yi looked at his current position, right in the middle of the Rhino Canal Demon and their group.

If the monster attacks, wouldn't he be the first to suffer?
This is not good.

So, Xiao Yi turned around and ran away. Xiao Hua returned to the paper-pricked look, floating in the air, and followed Xiao Yi closely.

Until they returned to Tang Yan and the others, the Rhinoceros did not move at all.Xiqu said: "You are actually able to break my improved flame formation. Woman, you are very good."

Xiao Yi twitched the corner of his mouth: "You are still a woman, does this monster think you are the rhinoceros and the domineering president? Ouch, it's disgusting."

Xiqu continued: "Woman, I appreciate you very much. If you are willing to be my woman, I can let go of those bedbug monks around you."

"Quack...that woman opposite, if you don't come here quickly, it would be your honor for my master to take a liking to you."

Xiao Bing rolled his eyes and said, "Tangtang, do those two monsters have a brain problem? Do they really think of themselves as domineering monsters?

Look at how ugly she is, she's not even worthy of polishing our Tangtang's shoes, yet she still dares to think too wildly, bah, she's showing off her face. "

Miao Yuan clasped her hands together and joked: "Amitabha, beautiful sister, it seems that both humans and demons like you very much. You are the most popular kid in this world."


Tang Yan sneered, holding the Demon-Breaking Bow in his right hand, and walked directly towards the two monsters.

She had reservations at first because she wanted to see what trump cards these two monsters had, but now it seemed like they were nothing more than that.

The Black Crow completely ignored the Demon-Breaking Bow in Tang Yan's hand: "Gah ga ga... Master, you are so charming. Even the female monk who looks so aloof has fallen under your hooves and claws."

Well, this is really an uneducated crow, and his compliments are really bad.

But Xiqu instinctively felt the danger, wait, no, what is that golden light in the woman's eyes?Is she really human?

Tang Yan tore a piece of candy and put it in his mouth. At the same time, he wielded the Demon-Breaking Bow and smashed it directly and roughly on Xiqu's head.

(End of this chapter)

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