Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 630 Abandonment in front of others

Chapter 630 Abandonment in front of others
The woman's face turned red with embarrassment: "What nonsense are you talking about, what, for those stinky money, who still needs that little money, you are just treating it like a donkey's liver and lungs with good intentions."

When things don't happen, people never know how chaotic a person who seems to be quite normal can become.

It can only be said that humans are good at pretending.

Xiao Yi was too lazy to argue with her and looked at the little girl in his arms: "Hey, tell me what the truth is?"

The little girl wiped her tears with her sleeves, her eyes slightly red: "Dad, Mom, the old woman next to you is the one who really killed me. No, she is not a human at all, she is actually a demon.

The real Zhao Banxian was killed by him long ago, he just used the appearance of Zhao Banxian.

The herbal medicine he prescribed to me could kill someone if I drank it. After I died, he took control of my spirit body. Although I don't know what he wanted to do with me, it was definitely not a good thing.

And those girls who were not raised in the village were all killed by this monster. Mom and Dad, don’t believe him, he is the real bad guy. "

The woman glanced at Zhao Banxian next to her and moved to the side in fear. Zhao Banxian threw a stone and hit her feet.

The woman shook her body and did not dare to make any more unnecessary movements.

"Hahaha..." Zhao Banxian didn't intend to hide it: "Little sister, so what if what you said is true? Let me tell you, believe it or not, even if your parents know that I am a demon, they will still turn against me. "

Zhao Banxian said to the woman in a ferocious tone: "Call your daughter over quickly. If she doesn't come over, you won't be able to keep the boy in your belly. The Chen family is a single generation of four generations. Think about whether you can bear the consequences. "

Therefore, the half-immortal they knew was really a monster, which was so scary.

The woman's legs were trembling. Before she could speak, the man said first, "Xiaohua, come here quickly. You won't ignore your brother, right? Don't worry, Master Half-Immortal will not hurt you."

They said they wouldn't hurt her, but in fact her parents had already made their choice and didn't care what would happen if she fell into the hands of that monster.

That unborn brother was more important than her.

These are the parents she misses so much.

Being abandoned by her parents in front of her made her whole heart feel cold.

Miao Yuan glanced at Tang Yan: Hey, don't you stop it?This girl's resentment is getting heavier and heavier, and if she continues like this she will turn into a evil spirit.

Tang Yan returned his look: It was obvious that the demon called this man and woman in to stimulate the little girl. Let's continue watching the show. Now is not the time to take action.

The woman also advised: "Xiaohua, don't worry, we will always remember the sacrifice you made for your brother. We will burn many, many things you like for you every Qingming Festival from now on."

The little girl cried bloody tears and said in a painful voice: "Dad, Mom, do you really not care about me at all?"

The woman was unhappy and said in a very impatient tone: "What do you mean we don't care about you? Didn't we treat you well when you were alive? But now that you are dead, do you still want to kill your brother?"

The man also said: "Yes, your mother had to go through hell in order to give birth to you. Xiaohua, you can't be so heartless and not grateful at all?"
You owe this to your mother. Now I ask you to do something for your brother. Why aren't you willing?No one can be so selfish as a person or a ghost. "

(End of this chapter)

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