Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 631: This grudge is hard to get rid of

Chapter 631: This grudge is hard to get rid of

"Am I selfish?" Xiaohua pointed at herself and said in a disappointed voice: "Dad, Mom, do you really think I am selfish?"

Zhao Banxian stared at the woman, who was getting more and more impatient while being frightened: "If you think you are not selfish, then come here now. Otherwise, you are selfish and don't care about the life or death of your parents or your brother."

"Okay, I'll go there."

The little girl jumped off Xiao Yi's hand and looked up at Tang Yan: "Miss, can you take back this body of mine?"

"Have you thought about it? Without my restraint, you are likely to lose your mind. If you really become an evil spirit and cannot recover, I will only have the option of destroying you."

"Well, I've thought about it, thank you, little sister."

Tang Yan stretched out her paws to grab Xiaohua's head and lifted it up. A small human-shaped piece of paper appeared in her hand, and the girl returned to her original appearance.

But she was still different from her original self. The layer of black energy surrounding her body seemed to be thicker.

"Ah..." the woman screamed, grabbing the man's arm with one hand, and pointed at the little girl with one hand tremblingly: "Xiao, Xiaohua, she is really a Xiaohua."

After saying that, he hid behind the man in fear.

Knowing that it was his daughter and seeing her change from one appearance to another were two different feelings.

The little girl knelt down on the ground with a plop: "Mom and Dad, you gave birth to me and raised me. From now on, I have finished repaying this kindness.

But the resentment in my heart is really hard to eliminate, so if there is an afterlife, I will be reincarnated in the Chen family again, as your child, and torture you for the rest of your life. When you are old, you will be miserable and helpless, and you will not die well. "

Chou Chou pulled Tang Yan: "Hey, Zha Zhayan, this little girl is so angry, don't you think of a way to stop her?
According to her, she had complained, but at the same time she would have made new grievances.

Then others retaliated against her, and she retaliated again. There would be no end to retribution.

If you can make her come back, that will be a meritorious deed. "

Tang Yan didn't have much emotional fluctuations: "Isn't this reality like this? If we don't get together by chance, we can form a couple or children, either to take revenge or to repay a favor.

Let me give you an inappropriate example. If a person owes another person 1000 million, I would like to advise the person who is owed money not to care about it and forgive generously. Do you think it is possible?Unless I can pay back the 1000 million on behalf of another person.

But I don’t think I have that much ability to bear the karma of others, so what choices she makes and what kind of results she gets are all her own business. "

Miao Yuan glanced at Tang Yan one more time. She looked indifferent, but she seemed to be living a very transparent life.

Xiaohua walked towards the woman step by step.

"You, you, you..." the woman touched her belly and hid behind the man: "What do you want to do to your brother? I'm warning you, don't try to harm your brother, otherwise the half-immortal will not let him go. your."

Compared with Zhao Banxian, who is a monster, she hates her daughter even more. If she dies, she will die. She has caused so many things, and now she wants to harm their family.

If she had known she would raise such a white-eyed wolf, she should have listened to Brother Xing and got rid of this unfilial thing.

The little girl smiled sarcastically, saying as if she was crying blood: "Mom, didn't you ask me to come here? What are you afraid of now?"

(End of this chapter)

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