Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 632 Completely Blackened

Chapter 632 Completely Blackened
"Or are you feeling guilty? Do you know that you are sorry for your daughter? You also know that what you are doing now is sinful."

"Nonsense." The woman blushed angrily, looking at the little girl with increasingly unfriendly eyes: "I don't want you to hurt your brother.

What am I sorry for?We gave birth to you and raised you, so there is nothing we can do to apologize to you.

On the contrary, you are a white-eyed wolf who is ungrateful and wants to harm our family. Chen Xiaohua, why are you so vicious? "

The little girl's resentment grew stronger and stronger.

Xiqu felt secretly happy in his heart: Very good, this stupid woman, you can continue to stimulate her, this will save him the trouble, and he does not need to train this little girl to become a resentful spirit, she will become a resentful spirit directly.

The man was relatively calm, but he always felt that Xiaohua's situation was getting worse and worse.

Although he now knew that Zhao Banxian was a demon, he still had a trace of luck in his heart and regarded him as a life-saving straw.

The man asked timidly: "Half-half-immortal, what should I do? Xiaohua said she wants to take revenge on us? We are just ordinary people, we can't deal with her."

Xiqu added to the anger: "Don't worry, since you are helping me with things, I will definitely not let her hurt you.

Moreover, I can tell you very clearly that there is no way this little girl of yours will have an afterlife, and the things she said about revenge against you are all nonsense. "

How can you believe what the monster says?But this ignorant, selfish and cold couple just believed it.

After receiving the assurance, the woman felt relieved, and when she looked at the little girl, she no longer had the previous fear: "Bah, you still want to harm our Chen family, and you don't even want to see if you have that ability.

Chen Xiaohua, let me tell you, from now on you are no longer my daughter. You will have nothing to do with my Chen family in the future. The child in my belly is the blood of the Chen family. "

A woman is also a mother. Do you think she has never loved and protected a little girl?She also really loved and cared for me.

But all of this seemed so insignificant compared to the boy in her belly.

The man also spoke: "Xiaohua, for the sake of father and daughter, we can get together and relax. Please stop making unreasonable troubles. As a child, you can't be so ignorant of filial piety."

The most chilling thing is probably that when it is clear that the other party has hurt you, the other party will stand on the moral high ground and criticize you as worthless.

So is the family relationship over the years just a joke?
"Ah ah ah... I hate you, I hate you, I hate you..."

The little girl has completely turned into an evil spirit, and has been blinded by resentment and has lost all sense.

At this time, she was already standing in front of the woman. Her nails were sharp and black, and she thrust directly into the woman's belly quickly and hard.

The woman's face instantly turned pale, she took a step back and collapsed on the ground.

The little girl couldn't get any closer because her wrist was already pinched by Xiqu.

In just an instant, Xiqu brought the little girl into the small villa.

Only Tang Yan's group and the young couple were left in the yard.

The man came to his senses and helped the woman on the ground in panic: "Mei Ding, sister Ding, is our child okay?"

The woman took the man's hand and stood up, covering her stomach with one hand: "Brother Xing, the baby is strong, it's okay."

"Ugh..." Xiao Yi couldn't stand it anymore: "Tangtang, can I beat these two bastards?"

(End of this chapter)

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