Chapter 633: Facial Decay
Tang Yan's eyes became colder and colder: "Just beat her as much as you want, just don't beat her for miscarriage."

Even a monk like Miao Yuan, who has a peaceful heart, has emotions: "The young monk observed the face of this female donor, and there is no cause for miscarriage, so Brother Lu, you can be more careful."

Xiao Yi twisted his neck and cracked his fingers at the same time: "You two are really not worthy of being parents. Any kind of child will be born by you."

It's not that they don't want to stop Xiaohua from turning black, but they have no way to stop it.

It was her parents' ruthlessness that led to this result. They couldn't change the couple's choice, and they couldn't reverse the cause and effect.

The woman and the man retreated to the gate at the same time.

The man spoke harshly: "You, what do you want to do? Master Half-Immortal will not let you go."

"Ah..." the woman screamed, completely losing her mind: "I'm beating someone, I'm going to beat a pregnant woman."

Xiao B and Xiao B looked at each other, then rushed to the man and woman, and beat them up without saying a word.

Tang Yan was still on the side, guiding him on which part of the body could be hit more painfully without leaving any traces.

Because there was still a demon that had not been dealt with, they could not waste time. After dealing with the men and women in a few moments, they twisted them, opened the door, and threw them out.

At this time, the villagers were all standing outside the door silently.

They heard what just happened in the yard outside.

Unexpectedly, the half-immortal they admired turned out to be a demon.

I never thought that there really are monsters in this world.

But they dare not act rashly for fear of being implicated.

Tang Yan glanced around coldly: "If you don't want to die, get away."

The crimes these people committed are not so easy to escape.

Their appearance at this time was already in a state of decline, and the bad luck of the next three generations was already doomed.

Village Chief He sent someone to support the man and woman. Without saying a word, he turned around and strode away.

It started with a brisk walk, then turned into a trot, and then ran faster and faster until the back completely disappeared.

A group of them came to the entrance of the village.

"Village Chief, what should we do now?"

Village Chief He immediately decided: "Take a small road out of the village. We will go to the county town to rest for a night. We will call the police tomorrow morning and say that there has been a thief in the village. Let the police go to the village to have a look. If nothing happens, we will come back."

Someone hesitated and asked: "But we once pushed that group of people off the cliff. If we call the police, nothing will happen, right?"

"What could happen? Aren't those people alive and well? Who has evidence that we pushed them off the cliff? And with so many of us testifying, do you think the police believe them or us?"

"Then what if those people are wiped out by the Half-Immortal Lord? The Half-Immortal Lord is a monster. Can we continue to live in this village?"

They were used to calling Master Half-Immortal, and it was not easy to change their words for a while.

Village Chief He is also a ruthless person: "What's wrong with the demon? I don't care if he is a human or a demon, as long as he can bring benefits to our village, then it doesn't matter if he is a demon?"

And you think about it, if there is a demon as our backer, will we be more confident in doing things in the future? "

Village Chief He only thinks that it is a high-risk and high-reward business, and does not think that he is seeking skin from a tiger, and sooner or later he will be eaten up until nothing is left.

(End of this chapter)

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