Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 637 I dissected you

Chapter 637 I dissected you
This reaction is exactly the same as Xiao B's.

Xiao Bing was a little confused: "Tangtang, has senior brother returned to normal? That rhino canal demon ran away when he saw what happened?"

"Run? Do you think that demon is a paparazzi, running so fast?"

All demons can deceive people, and the more powerful the demon, the more deceitful they are.

Run away when things are revealed?
If a demon is really that thin-skinned, then it is not a demon.

However, Tang Yan still found Xiao Yi's situation a bit interesting.

If it is simply controlled, it cannot be so fake and real.

Moreover, the other party seemed to have even accepted Xiao Yi's memory, and his various emotions and physical reactions were also shown to be exactly the same.

Tang Yan took out another piece of paper from the bag and folded it into the shape of a knife.

Then, the paper knife turned into a sharp golden knife in her hand.

Tang Yan squatted next to Xiao Yi, and the golden knife dangled in front of his eyes: "To be honest, I haven't studied how demons control humans, and what is the principle behind it. You just have the material that comes to my door. , It’s free if you don’t use it.”

Xiao Yi's face turned pale and his lips were trembling: "You, you, you want to dissect me?"

When Xiao Bing realized what Tang Yan wanted to do, he was startled and quickly stopped him: "Tangtang, is there no other way? After all, it's a human life."

Tang Yan was completely unmoved: "Don't you know that human life is the least valuable thing in the world? You cultivators take these formal things too seriously, so you often cannot fight against these alien creatures. .You know, if you want to defeat them, you have to become more ruthless than them."

Xiao Yi is speechless. What kind of fallacies are these? Aren't you afraid of bearing karmic debt?girl.

Chou Chou complained in his heart, this scumbag is here again. She may not really do very bad things, but she just likes to make people angry. If it were a more honest practitioner, most of them would be furious at this time, such as scolding her. He's a Xuanmen scum or something.

Miao Yuan took another look at Tang Yan. This girl's personality was really perverse, and she was so strong. If she couldn't control her well, she would be a very dangerous person.

He thought he understood a little bit why the women of the Duan family hated her. It was indeed because she had too much personality conflict with the women of the Duan family.

Tang Yan gently poked Xiao Yi's head with a cold knife. He was so frightened that he didn't dare to move at all, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He excused himself quickly.

"Tangtang, aunt, I beg you, please let me go. I am really Xiao Yi."

"Now I am no longer controlled by that big demon. He had already run away when you tied me up."

"I admire you so much and regard you as my idol. You can't do this to others, eh eh eh..."

Tang Yan sneered: "You are so fluent in your moaning. Have you forgotten that the cry of the rhino canal demon is just "ying"? Look, you are still controlled by that demon. For The only way we can keep our lives safe is by sacrificing you."

Damn, this woman really opened her mouth to kill him.

Doesn’t this stupid green-haired guy know how to speak normally?

Xiao Yi was so frightened that he screamed: "Junior brother, save me, save me. If something happens to me, how can you go back and explain to Master? Fellow fellow disciples, are you really going to die without saving me?"

(End of this chapter)

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