Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 638 Scary and Interesting

Chapter 638 Scary and Interesting
Xiao Bing had no choice but to bite the bullet and pointed the magic weapon at Tang Yan: "Tangtang, I'm sorry, I can't just ignore death. Otherwise, think about it again and see if there are other ways to free senior brother from control." ?”

Xiao Yi shouted again: "Junior brother, I am not controlled. I am really your senior brother. Let me say it again, that big demon just ran away, ran away."

At this time, the spirit of the big demon attached to Xiao Yi had already begun to panic.

He really made a mistake. If he had known that there was such a woman who acted unreasonably, he would never have chosen to possess her as a last resort.

Xiao Bing continued to persuade Tang Yan: "Yes, Tangtang, maybe it is true as my senior brother said, that big demon has run away?
Taking a step back, even if the demon still controls senior brother, he is now tied up by you and can't do anything that can harm us.

I think the top priority is to get out of this area first. You just said that the big demon is refining the elixir for repairing cultivation. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us, so we can't delay it any longer. "

Tang Yan raised her eyes and looked at Xiao Bing with cold eyes: "Ah, it is precisely because the situation is urgent that we have to deal with this backslider as soon as possible. Also, if you point this thing at me, do you know what you have committed? wrong?"

Tang Yan opened his other palm and faced Xiao Bing. The mark of the Kunlun leader on his palm appeared and then disappeared.

Being so familiar with her in the past two days, he forgot that this woman was the current head of their Kunlun Sect.

The majesty of the leader cannot be challenged.

Xiao Bing put away the magic weapon and knelt down with a plop: "I'm sorry, it was my fault. After returning to Kunlun, I will take the initiative to go to the Law Enforcement Hall to receive the punishment."

After saying that, he looked at Xiao Yi with pain on his face: "Brother, I'm sorry, I can't help you much. Don't worry, I will burn a few more beautiful big houses for you during the next Qingming Festival."

Xiao Yi: "!!!" I'm so angry. Damn it, who lacks such a big house like yours?

Miao Yuan's eyes flickered for a moment. What was it that this girl showed that Fenmao just now that made him disregard his brotherhood and even take the initiative to admit his mistake?
It seems that this girl's status in the Kunlun Sect is not low, but the current Kunlun Sect has never heard of any female disciples.

What exactly is going on?

As soon as Tang Yan retracted his left hand, the knife in his right hand was inserted into Xiao Yi's head.

"Ah... Huh..." At this time, a white light flew out of Xiao Yi's head. Tang Yan was already prepared and was faster than the light. He jumped over and held the light in his hand.

The light struggled and made a voice: "Smelly woman, let me go, otherwise I will definitely let you die without a burial place."

Tang Yan said in a mocking tone: "Only the strong have the right to speak. You have been caught by me and you are still acting blindly. You are not very smart."


At this time, Xiao Yi also recovered from the fright and shouted loudly: "Ah, ah, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

When he was controlled by the Rhino Canal Demon, he could see and hear what was happening outside, but he just couldn't make his own reaction.

Tang Yan kicked him: "Shut up, have you ever seen anyone stab someone to death with a paper knife?"

Only then did Xiao Yi realize that he was really intact, and his whole face became aggrieved: "So why do you want to scare us? Is it fun to scare us? Hey, hey, hey..."

"Ah, that's really interesting."


The devil himself.

With such a bad personality, are you really not afraid that one day you will be put in a sack?

Forget it, you are awesome, you are strong, a weakling does not deserve to speak in front of you.

(End of this chapter)

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