Chapter 639 Golden Woman
The other three people actually breathed a sigh of relief secretly, but fortunately it was a false alarm.

Xiao Bing quickly untied Xiao Yi and helped him up.

After the two looked at each other, when they looked at Tang Yan again, there was something deeper in their eyes.

In addition to brotherly love, there is also a natural reverence for superiors.

It was at this moment that they truly realized that the girl in front of them was their new leader and someone they needed to obey absolutely.

Xiao Yi walked up to Tang Yan, as if nothing had happened just now: "Tangtang, what is this thing you are holding in your hand?"

"The soul of the rhino canal demon."

There are many ways for demons to control people. Directly using the soul body to enter the sea of ​​human consciousness to control it is actually a relatively stupid method.

Because if you can't get out safely, you will be caught by the enemy, and you may lose more than you gain.

But it may also be that the rhinoceros demon has to do this because it can completely control the possessed object without any surprises.

That means that the Rhino Canal Demon's current ability to control power is actually very weak.

The damage he had done in order to break through the seal should be more serious than she imagined.

This information is very important.

"Then what are you going to do with it?..."

Before Xiao Yi could finish her words, Tang Yan squeezed her hand, and with a "bang..." the rhino canal demon's soul was crushed by her.

At the same time, there was a scream.

Miao Yuan: "!!!"

Xiao B, Xiao C: "!!!"

Oh, really, sometimes I really can’t tell which one is more cruel, the demon or their leader.

Chou Chou: "..." Basic operations, these are all basic operations.At this moment, Miao Yuan moved her nose and threw the prayer beads in her hand to a certain direction behind him.

A white light flashed in the realm, and then the surrounding darkness receded, and the realm was torn apart.

At this time, Tang Yan and the others were standing behind the gate of the small villa.

Tang Yan looked at Miao Yuan's back. This monk was really not simple. He just didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend.

Tang Yan asked him: "Why can you find the weak points in the field?"

Miao Yuan answered calmly: "Because I smelled a familiar scent in that direction."

A familiar scent?what is that?
At this moment, a woman in ancient costume wearing golden light walked down from the floor on the second floor.

Her body exudes an innate nobility, as if she has the aura of a royal family.

Her eyes were open, her pupils were clear and shining, very beautiful.

And looking at her expression, she is also very smart. It is obvious that she is conscious, which is somewhat different from what Chou Chou and the little girl said.

What happened to make her change like this?
Tang Yan confirmed to Chou Chou again: "Is the spirit you felt in this villa before this woman?"

Chou Chou was also a little puzzled: "It should be, the aura is the same, but she was aimless when I saw her before, and she is completely different from now."


"Ah..." Xiao Yi pointed at her: "Tangtang, this woman has such a strong light of merit. Is the light of merit that we saw above Lanxi Village on the mountain emanating from her?"

That's obvious.

The golden woman glanced at Tang Yan and the others, her expression unchanged, but when her eyes glanced at Miao Yuan, there was very obvious joy in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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