Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 640: Your old friend

Chapter 640: Your old friend

She floated in front of Miao Yuan, circled around him, and then said: "Hey, monk, have we known each other before?"

It turns out that the familiar aura he felt when he came to this village was really her.

Miao Yuan clasped her hands together and smiled: "Female donor, can you really not remember anything?"

The golden woman shook her head: "I don't know, I don't have any memory in my mind. I don't know who I am, where I come from, and what I am doing here. I just feel very friendly when I look at you, so I just ask, Have we known each other before? Do you know who I am?"

Regardless of whether the occasion was appropriate or not, Xiao Yi's eyes instantly burst out with a brilliant light of gossip.

"Hey, hey, Monk Hua, this can't be your old sweetheart, right? On the surface, you said you were going to Cross the Evil Mountain, but in fact, you came to this place to find your old sweetheart."

Xiao Yi has already made up a script in his mind that is full of ups and downs, filled with entanglements of love and hate, and is inseparable.

Xiao Bing wanted to be a little more serious: "Senior brother, Brother Miaoyuan has become a monk. If he is involved with a woman, wouldn't it be breaking the precepts? I heard that Master Kongjing's precepts are very pure, and he is afraid that he will not allow himself to do so. Is the apprentice committing a sexual precept?"

Xiao Yi gave him a very profound look: "What do you know? This is probably the legendary precepts that cannot be defeated by karma. The Saha world is inherently full of love and sorrow."

The golden woman was stunned by the two people talking like crosstalk. She blinked and asked Miaoyuan: "Monk, are what they said true? Are we really old friends?"

Miao Yuan directly denied: "No, but there is indeed a connection between you and me in the past life. It's just that you have no memory, and I can't tell you the past unilaterally. That would be objective and may mislead you."

The golden woman was very smart and understood immediately: "You mean to let me remember my origins, but in my current state, can I still remember the past?"

"If you have this karma, you will definitely be able to do it."

Tang Yan glanced at these two people and saw that there was another amnesiac spirit. It seemed that there was no gossip to listen to today.

She noticed that the golden light on the golden woman was occasionally mixed with a touch of resentment.

What's going on here?

Tang Yan asked the golden woman: "Can I ask you a question? What is your relationship with that rhino canal demon?"

"Rhino Canal Monster?" The golden woman thought of the monster she saw when she just opened her eyes.

Because she was really smart, she immediately understood what the monster was doing.

The golden woman nodded: "That rhinoceros demon seems to have insufficient cultivation and wants to use me to refine elixirs to increase its cultivation.

I seemed to have been in an unconscious state before, so I don't know how I fell into its hands.

When I regained consciousness, I immediately escaped and used a small technique to temporarily trap the rhino canal demon.

But I guess it won't be long before he breaks through my restraints. "

Tang Yan had no intention of escaping. A rhino canal demon that had not recovered its cultivation level and had just lost its soul could not pose a threat.

"Hmm." Tang Yan thought: "Do you know how he refined the elixir?"

"I probably know something. That rhino canal demon used a lot of vengeful spirits to feed me. Some of those vengeful spirits are still in my body, and some have been dissolved by me."

(End of this chapter)

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