Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 641 Unlucky Rhinoceros

Chapter 641 Unlucky Rhinoceros

In some evil practices, spiritual bodies with merit can indeed be used to make elixirs, and the elixirs produced are of extraordinary quality.

But Xiqu is a demon. If his merits are too great, he himself will not be able to bear the blessings, so he feeds them with resentful spirits to achieve a delicate balance.

It has to be said that this demon still has some knowledge in alchemy, far better than the average human monk.

Tang Yan also understood why Chen Li said that this place was very special and that he could not successfully extradite in this place.

Because he cannot take action against spiritual beings with great merit.

Unfortunately, the spirit body was still unconscious at the time, which made it even more troublesome to deal with.

However, after absorbing so many resentful spirits, this golden woman could still maintain her sanity.

Is it because of her great merits during her lifetime, or because of her special constitution?
Tang Yan looked at Miao Yuan, and Miao Yuan looked at her and said, "That's how it should be."

"Okay, here's another clue."

Xiao B and Xiao C looked at each other.

Xiao Yi: What are these two people doing?
Xiao C: You ask me, who should I ask?I'm not a roundworm in their stomachs.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed towards the golden woman. Tang Yan quickly took out the demon-breaking bow and swung it at the black shadow. The black shadow retreated in panic.

Xiqu stood on the wooden stairs in his monster state, feeling frightened for a while. Fortunately, he had just dodged quickly and was not hit by the woman's magic weapon.

His big copper-bell-like eyes stared at the group of people in front of him angrily, and he roared: "Hey, hey, hey..."

His cultivation level has not yet recovered, and his soul was just destroyed by that bitch.

But at the most critical moment of alchemy, the golden woman actually regained consciousness and escaped from the alchemy furnace.

If his soul hadn't happened to be damaged at that moment, this golden woman would never have had a chance to escape.

After he came out of the sealing formation, he planned for 30 years and stayed with the humans he disdained most, just to wait for the day when the elixir would be completed.Just this last step was missing, and the success fell short.

How could he not be so resentful that he wanted to tear that bitch to pieces?

The more I think about it, the more angry Yaoyao becomes.

Xiao Yi covered her ears: "Hey, Tangtang, it's so strange. The weird sonic attack doesn't seem to make me feel as uncomfortable as before. Could it be that I became stronger after being frightened by you? Ah, Then you must scare me more in the future."

Listen, is this a normal human requirement?

Xiao Bing twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly: "Brother, what are you fooling around about? It's obviously the soul that was just destroyed by Tangtang that further damaged the Rhino Canal Demon's cultivation. It's because he's weakened now, so you It’s not so uncomfortable anymore.”

"Whether you want to listen or not, you bastard is chanting sutras. I don't care. I just got stronger, young master. I just got stronger."

"..." Fool.


"Ah...ah..." Rhino Canal Demon dug one hoof on the wooden ladder, his voice angrily: "Kill you, I will kill you."

He was so angry that he lost his mind.

After saying that, he rushed towards Tang Yan with his horns on his head.

This time the Rhinoceros Demon used ten levels of skills, hoping to die together with Tang Yan.

Tang Yan nimbly dodged to the side, and the rhinoceros demon jumped into the air.

He turned around and returned to the wooden ladder, the anger in his eyes undiminished.

Wait, he was really too angry just now, leaving Qingshan without fear of running out of firewood. He is probably no match for this group of people, and he cannot die here.

(End of this chapter)

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