Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 642: Practice with demons

Chapter 642: Practice with demons
"Ah... bitch, go to hell."

Xiqu pretended to attack Tang Yan again, but actually turned in a direction and planned to escape.

From the slight change in the rhino's eyes, Tang Yan could see through his intentions.

So without saying anything, she took out the Demon-Breaking Bow and blocked the Rhino Canal Demon's path.

A man and a demon started fighting like this.

The small villa could not withstand this external force and suddenly collapsed.

Tang Yan and Xiqu continued to fight, from the ground to the air, and from the air to the ground.

Xiqu wanted to kill Tang Yan, so all his moves were fatal.

Tang Yan also used all his moves with ruthless force.

The rest found a relatively safe position to watch the duel between man and demon.

Xiao Yi sighed: "It would be nice if I had some melon seed bench mineral water at this time."

Xiao Bing: I’m afraid you’re thinking shit.

Xiao Yi looked at Tang Yan who was able to deal with Xiqu easily: "It feels like Tangtang can end the fight as soon as possible, but he keeps stalling for time. Why is this?"

Several people watching felt the same way.

Miao Yuan looked at the sky: "Perhaps she wants to practice with this big demon? Although this big demon's cultivation is damaged, under normal circumstances, there are not ten or eight powerful Xuanshi who can join forces. That is If you can’t defeat it, relatively speaking, this demon is also a very strong opponent.”

In other words, the Xuanmen monks were not strong enough for Tang Yan to beat, so she had no choice but to find a big demon to practice with.

Xiao Yi felt that his human dignity had been deeply insulted.

Xiao Bing felt that what Miao Yuan said made sense, but was still surprised: "Tangtang seems to be only 17 years old. With her current strength, in the human world, it is not too much to say that she is a super super genius among geniuses. She How do you practice? Is it possible that you began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from your mother's womb?" This strange new leader is really refreshing his knowledge every minute.

Miao Yuan said mysteriously: "Some people are born different. They come to this human world with a mission. We ordinary people cannot compare, and we don't have to compare."

Xiao Yi put a hand on Miao Yuan's shoulder: "Monk Hua, I finally feel like you are a monk now. You are always so ambiguous and nervous when you talk."

Xiao Yi added: "However, what Tangtang is holding should be a bow. That weird girl actually uses the bow as a sword, chopping and slashing. In fact, I am very curious about what she is holding in her hand. How powerful can that bow really be?"

I don’t know who is stronger than the artifact in the artifact pool on Kunlun Mountain.

Miao Yuan patted Xiao Yi's paw away: "When it's time to see it, you will see it naturally. Everything depends on chance. If there is no chance, nothing will happen."

"You bald donkeys just keep talking all day long."

at this time--

"Get out of the way." Tang Yan roared, turned around in the air and kicked the Rhino Canal Demon directly towards Miao Yuan and the others.

"Damn it, can't you be gentler?" Xiao Yi complained, but luckily he dodged in time.

"Boom..." A big hole was made on the ground.

The Rhinoceros Canal Demon lay lifeless in the pit. His spirit body was about to abandon his body and escape, but Tang Yan still took a step ahead of him and held his spirit body in his hand.

"Bang..." Without saying a word, he just crushed it.

When the Rhinoceros Canal Demon disappeared, his body also turned into a ball of ashes, which was then blown away by the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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