Chapter 646 Shared Body
Tang Yan returned the greeting to Chen Li: "My mission has been completed. Remember my three-day trip to the underworld."

Chen Li made an OK gesture and took out his mobile phone from his clothes: "Come on, let's add WeChat. When do you want to come to the underworld to play, let me know in advance. We will give you a warm welcome."

You have to make some preparations in advance, otherwise you are afraid that this girl with a bad personality will bring down the underworld.

Tang Yan did not expose him and added WeChat easily.

Xiao Yi: "!!!" Come on, do you use mobile phones for work in the underworld now?Being so up to date with the times really subverted his cognition.

Chen Li tied the little girls' spirits with chains and said, "If nothing happens, I will go back to the underworld."

"Wait a minute." Tang Yan looked at Xiaohua in the team, walked up to her, and knelt down: "Do you have any other wishes? If there is anything you can do, I can help."

Xiaohua was very calm, but the innocence on her face was no longer visible. She looked at Tang Yan: "Miss, thank you. I only have one idea now, to reincarnate as soon as possible, and then take revenge on that couple."

She no longer calls her parents, but the couple.

This is really treating them as enemies.

Although she is no longer a resentful spirit, she still has unwillingness and hatred in her heart. Such hatred cannot be resolved without revenge.

Tang Yan said nothing and watched as Chen Li and the group of little girls disappeared before his eyes.

Then, they also left Lanxi Village.

Next to the national highway, Tang Yanxin's rented car was already parked there.

Erniu followed the people from the car rental company and left first.

Xiao Bing waved to them: "Tangtang, here, here, you guys came out too slowly, baby, I've been feeding mosquitoes here for a long time."

Xiao Yi opened the cab door for Tang Yan: "Are you stupid? You can wait in the car."

"Waiting outside makes me more sincere." "That's what you asked for. You brought it to your door for nothing. Mosquitoes won't bite you, but who will they bite?"

After a few people got into the car.

Miao Yuan looked at the golden woman who was still floating outside the car: "Beautiful sister, can you hide her? She is in a special situation. If you go to cross the evil mountain, it is best not to be discovered."

Tang Yan refused: "Isn't this your old friend? You don't have a way, so let me find a way? There is no such thing in the world."

Although Miao Yuan had denied the relationship between the two, he did not tell them the name and identity of the woman, so he could only use the words "old sweetheart" to describe her.

Xiao Yi came up with an idea: "Yes, you can let her attach to your prayer beads. Your prayer beads are magic weapons. If you really want to be discovered by others, just let her pretend to be the spirit of the weapon. Then no one will Are you doubting it?"

A light flashed in Miao Yuan's mind, the weapon spirit, by the way, is the one in the ugly doll's body the weapon spirit?

But I have never heard that artifacts and artifact spirits are separate.

So he immediately gave up the idea.

Miao Yuan replied: "The breath between the weapon spirit and the magical weapon is the same. The breath on my beads is obviously different from hers, so she can't hold the weapon spirit at all."

At this time, the golden woman lowered her head and looked at Tang Yan with bright eyes: "Pretty sister, can you help me? I want to follow you and want to know my origins."

"You don't regret it?"

"Well, no regrets."


Tang Yan threw Chou Chou on his shoulder onto the passenger seat, then reached out to grab the golden woman and stuffed her spirit body directly into Chou Chou's body.

(End of this chapter)

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