Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 647 The origin of the village name

Chapter 647 The origin of the village name
Ugly: "..."

The other three: "..."

What kind of magical operation is this? Are you the devil?
Chou Chou was the most excited. He suddenly jumped up from his seat and jumped in anger: "Ah, Zha Zhayan, what are you doing, what are you doing, what do you want to do, you bastard?"

Hey, hey, why is he always the one who gets hurt?
Tang Yan took out his ears and replied calmly: "Ah, let me lend you your body."

"No, I'm a man. How can a man share the same body with a woman? Get this spirit out quickly, otherwise, I'll run away from home to show you."

Xiao B and Xiao C cast sympathetic glances at the same time. It would be really unlucky for this ugly doll to meet such an owner.

Tang Yan dragged Chou Chou and asked him to sit down again: "Actually, there is a reason why I did this."

"I won't listen, you are a dog, you are not a human, wuwuwu."

His entire body was in bad shape, and his emotions were on the verge of collapse.

Tang Yan explained his reasons: "You share the same body, and your aura can cover up this woman's aura. Even with a sophisticated detection instrument, it cannot be detected, so this is the best choice at present."

This really makes sense.

Chou Chou still refuses to do it: "I don't, this is too weird. If you put a male in, I can accept it better. If you put a girl in, how perverted do I have to be to accept this setting?"

"Then think about it this way. This doll's body is like a house. There are two rooms in the house. Each of you has one room. In fact, we are neighbors.

Your neighbor didn't provoke you, but you drove him away for no reason. Don't you think you are too immoral? "

What's wrong with swollen?

This, it sounds like if he doesn't share the same body with this golden woman, he will really be unforgivable.

He always felt something was strange, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"But, but..." Chou Chou said for a long time but didn't know how to answer.

Xiao Yi and Xiao B looked at Tang Yan with admiration. He was amazing. He could think of such ridiculous reasons. He was a marketing genius.Miao Yuan couldn't help but smile. This girl also had a strange mind.

At this time, Chou Chou made another sound, but this sound was made by the woman in his body: "Little doll, can I aggrieve you a little? Don't worry, you still have the final say on this body. If it's not necessary, I will It won’t come out.”

"No, it's just not possible."

"Please, you are kind and handsome and you won't refuse to save me, right?"

Chou Chou: Ah, so annoying. Why do you have to speak in such a tone?I'm totally embarrassed to refuse.

"Hmph." Chou Chou put his hands in his hands and looked at Tang Yan: "Okay, my dear, I am kind and handsome, I will sacrifice this time, scumbag Yan, there is no next time, do you hear me?"

"Oh." The answer was rather perfunctory.

The ugly little boy turned his head toward the car window: "Humph, I won't pay attention to you."

Tang Yan stepped on the accelerator, started the car, left Lanxi Village, and drove towards Princess County.

On the way, Miao Yuan mentioned something: "Beautiful sister, do you know why Lanxi Village is called Lanxi Village?"


“Legend has it that in ancient times, the villagers in this place suddenly got a strange disease collectively, and they saw that the people here were about to perish.

Suddenly one day, the water of the creek in the village turned blue for some reason.

After a villager accidentally drank the blue stream water, he was cured of his strange illness.

So, out of gratitude, the villagers changed the name of the village to Lanxi Village. "

(End of this chapter)

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