Chapter 648 Draw a Circle
The monk probably didn't mention these things for no reason, he was probably reminding her of something.

Tang Yan thought for a while: "Since Lanxi Village is really called Lanxi Village because the water turned blue, is it because Princess County really had a princess here? Is there really evil on the mountain that needs to be crossed to cross the Evil Mountain?"

Miao Yuan turned her finger around the beads and paused. This girl was really keen. Regardless of whether it was a coincidence or not, this really made her hit the mark.

Miao Yuan leaned back on the chair leisurely: "Pretty sister, guess what."

"I do not guess you guess guess?"

"Guess, I guess, can you guess?"

"Xiao Yi, beat him up."

"Okay." Xiao Yi raised his hand, then put it down hesitantly: "Tangtang, it's not that I don't want to beat him, but there is something on this monster monk protecting him, and I'm scared of him."

Tang Yan replied: "Since martial arts is not good, then let's do literature."

Xiao Yi was eager to try: "What kind of writing?"

"Draw a circle and curse him."

Xiao B: "..." I really think you are kidding me.

It was already five o'clock in the morning when they arrived in Princess County.

Since he didn't rest all night, Tang Yan decided to find a hotel to rest enough first.


After dawn, Village Chief He called the police as he had thought before.

A group of them were waiting for news in a cheap hotel.

Soon the police phone call came.

"Village Chief He, you said your village was robbed?"

Village Chief He still felt a little guilty. After all, when he called the police, he didn't say that all of them were not in the village.

Village Chief He: "Yes, yes, Officer Fang, did you catch the thief?"

The person on the other side hesitated for a moment: "I see, it doesn't look like your village was invaded by thieves, but rather like the devils entered the village." "Why, why do you say that?"

"I took some photos and sent them to you on WeChat. Take a look for yourself."

Village Chief He opened WeChat and saw that Lanxi Village had almost turned into a ruins. His legs went weak and he almost fainted.

It's not easy to build a house now, nor is it easy to buy furniture. This, what a huge loss of property.

Village Chief He asked with a trembling voice: "Is this really the scene in Lanxi Village?"

"What? Do you doubt me? What good will it do me to lie to you? Oh, by the way, why don't you see all the people in your village? Where have you been?"

"Isn't that the thief is too vicious? I, we took shelter outside."

With his intuition of handling cases for many years, the person on the other side thought that this matter was probably related to something else, and he said with some suspicion: "A whole village is still afraid of a thief? Village Chief He, should I praise you for being too civilized, or should I praise the thief for his incredible fighting ability?" ?”

Village Chief He was irritated and became concerned about another matter: "Officer Fang, is there really no one else in our village now?"

"Let alone humans, we didn't even see any domestic animals."

When Tang Yan fought with the Rhinoceros Canal Demon, he deliberately broke some cow pens, pig pens, and chicken pens, and the livestock took the opportunity to run to the mountains.

Because the amplification is turned on, other people can hear it.

As soon as these words came out, many people became anxious.

"Ah, Mr. Village Chief, the twenty cows I raise are my entire family property."

"And my ten little lambs."

"My two hundred chickens."


The person on the other side didn't want to hear these complaints, and urged in a serious voice: "Okay, Village Chief He, you should go back to the village quickly. There are too many doubts about this matter. Come over and explain it clearly to us."

(End of this chapter)

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