Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 649 Tang Yan strikes up a conversation

Chapter 649 Tang Yan strikes up a conversation
There was no other way, so Village Chief He had no choice but to take the villagers back to Lanxi Village.

Zhao Banxian disappeared.

Tang Yan's group of people also disappeared.

Lanxi Village was destroyed, and he couldn't blame Tang Yan and the others.

This matter was originally at their fault.

And even if they want to shirk the blame, they have no evidence.

In the end, this suspicious matter was settled.

Village Chief He and the villagers felt sorry for the money they had lost, but they didn't know that this was just the beginning of their misfortune.


Tang Yan and the others stayed at the only three-star hotel in Princess County.

Tang Yan slept until dinner time. She came to the restaurant and planned to find something to eat, when she heard——

"Young Master, the food here is so simple. Are you used to it?"

Tang Yan followed the sound and saw two men by the floor-to-ceiling window.

One of the men was very handsome, with exquisite facial features and pointed eyebrows, which completely attracted the attention of all the ladies in the restaurant.

And that face actually looked exactly like Han Shan's, but his temperament, hairstyle, and dress were different.

She was stunned for a moment, picked up the plate, put some simple food on it, and walked over.

"Handsome guy, there's no room left, can we share a table?"

The little attendant next to the handsome man was first amazed by Tang Yan's appearance, and then became disgusted.

"Sister, don't think you are pretty. I can't tell that you want to chat with our young master. Why don't you have a seat? You treat the three empty tables next to you as decorations."

"Oh, that's just a decoration."

The little follower was a little angry: "Are you really not able to understand what I mean? There is no place for you here. Don't disturb my young master's meal, and leave quickly." "Oh, you chase your people away, I'll take care of you." There is no conflict."

Little follower: "..." Damn, she's so beautiful, but she's actually a thorn in the side, what should I do?Xuanmen monks cannot take action against ordinary people.


Other girls sitting further away were also whispering.

"This guy is pretty and confident. My legs are weak just by seeing that extremely handsome guy, let alone going over to strike up a conversation with him."

"That's not all. Don't you think that handsome guy's aura is cold and heartless? Even if I have the evil heart, I don't have the courage."

"Hey, it's true that handsome men only match beautiful women. Don't tell me, those two still look quite eye-catching."

"However, the handsome guy seems to have no interest in the beautiful woman. His followers have been chasing people away. The beautiful woman also has a strong psychological quality. If someone had spoken to me like that, I would have run away in despair."

"So, you have been single all this time. This man can't stand being pestered by women, especially beautiful women."


At this time, Xiao Yi yawned and walked into the restaurant, and then he saw this scene. He was so scared that he became energetic and quickly took a photo.

Xiao Bing touched him: "What are you doing?"

"What a big crisis, can't you see it? Jun Wu's wife has taken a liking to the dog outside. I have to ask Jun Wu to come over quickly and keep an eye on his wife."

After saying that, he sent the photo he just took to Jun Liyan.

There was no movement on the other side for the time being.

Miao Yuan also looked like she was watching a drama: "In ancient times, a good man could have three wives and four concubines, so in this new era, it is normal for a good woman to have one, two, three, four, five, six or seven boyfriends. "

Xiao Yi glared at him displeasedly: "Bah, what you fake monk said is all wrong. If you like it so much, I wish you have one, two, three, four, five, six or seven boyfriends."

(End of this chapter)

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