Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 650 Do you have any brothers?

Chapter 650 Do you have any brothers?
After Xiao Yi and the others got their food, they sat at the table next to the handsome man and started eating and watching the show.

Tang Yan put the dinner plate on the table: "Handsome guy, if you don't refuse, I will sit down."

The handsome man put down his chopsticks, raised his head, and looked at Tang Yan with a pair of cold eyes: "What if I refuse?"

"I just pretended not to hear." Tang Yan pulled out his chair and sat down directly.

The little attendant's face turned red with anger: "Master, how about I call the security guard to chase them away?"

Tang Yan ate a vegetable and replied: "Stop doing useless work, the security guard can't beat me."

You guys with thin arms and thin legs can’t beat you, so what are you dreaming about?

The little follower gritted his teeth: "You, you, you, you are a girl, how can you be so shameless?"

Tang Yan's tone was slow but very irritating: "What is a face? Can you eat it? Also, kid, I see you get angry so easily. This is a sign of excessive anger. Remember to take good care of your body and drink more heat. water."

The little followers usually see ladies from the big family, and even the tough senior sisters in their clan are not so naughty. It makes people don’t know what to do.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Master, she bullied me."

The handsome man's aura was very cold, and he looked like a moving ice sculpture. He stretched out his hand to signal the little follower to stop talking, and then asked Tang Yan again.

"Girl, what is your purpose?"

From the girl's eyes, he couldn't see any ambiguity, only coldness and scrutiny.

Therefore, she was not trying to strike up a conversation as others thought, but had another purpose.

Tang Yan finished the food on the plate in a few seconds, put down his chopsticks, and asked, "May I ask if this brother has any twin brothers living outside the country?"

She actually wanted to ask directly, are you that piece of shit from Han Shan?
But it seems that even if it is, he will not admit it.

Besides, it might not be.

Mainly because their auras are so different.

If a person can really play different roles with ease, and his aura can change according to the role, then this person is either a genius or a pervert.

The handsome man's cold eyes narrowed: "No, I am the only son in the family."

Tang Yan thought: "Is it true? Does your father have any illegitimate children?"

The little follower couldn't listen anymore and slapped his paws on the table: "You bastard woman, you are going too far. Our clan leader is recognized as a good man. If you have an illegitimate child, he cannot have an illegitimate child."

The handsome man didn't speak, and the atmosphere was awkward for a moment. Tang Yan didn't care, and still stared at him very frankly.

Miao Yuan leaned towards Xiao Yi and whispered: "My beautiful sister doesn't look like she has fallen in love with that man. She feels more like she is investigating something."

Xiao Yi snorted twice: "What do you know? This is called playing hard to get, retreating in order to advance. This bad woman Tangtang must be trying to attract the attention of that bitch man.

Damn it, look, look, what does that bitch want to do all the time staring at my Tangtang?I really want to dig out his dog eyes. "

Xiao Bing kicked him: "Senior brother, I think you have read too many novels about overbearing presidents and are just filling in your head."

Xiao Yi retorted unconvinced: "What do you mean there is something but nothing? Have you ever heard the sentence, A thousand-mile embankment breaks in an ant nest? Have you ever heard the sentence, Take precautions before they happen? We must eliminate all signs of something wrong." Strangling in the cradle."

(End of this chapter)

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