Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 657 Male White Lotus

Chapter 657 Male White Lotus
Tang Yan gave Yun Xie a meaningful look.

The man didn't stop the girl when she went crazy. After she was beaten, he ran out and pretended to be a good person.

What a beautiful white lotus flower.

Maybe this man was behind this girl's development of her current character.

Sure enough, someone with the same face as Han Shan is not a good thing.

Tang Yan's first impression of Yun Xie was really not a good one.

"Since you don't want to apologize, there's no need to force it. Anyway, you scolded me and I beat you, neither of us owes the other.

However, I would also like to remind you that you know people but don’t know their hearts. Be careful of the people around you. Be careful of those who help others pay for you if you are sold. "

Xiao B: Well, that’s great. Tangtang was finally not fooled by that man’s face. Jun Wu is still safe. Good-looking men are not good things in the first place. Well, except for those from your own family.

Yu Tong had a naturally keen sense of smell when it came to Yun Xie. She glared at Tang Yan: "I don't allow you to speak ill of Brother Yun."

"Ha." Tang Yan mocked.

Yu Tong was still about to say something when he saw the woman from the Duan family walking to the parking lot.

The leader is Duan Zi.

Duan Zi saw Yu Tong's face with finger prints at a glance, and then looked at Tang Yan's careless look, and knew that the witch was bullying people again.

Duan Zi looked at Tang Yan displeased: "Tang Yan, are you causing trouble again? Can't you just calm down?"

Tang Yan looked back and said, "No."

Duan Zi became angry instantly: "You have offended our distinguished guests of the Duan family before you even went up the mountain. Do you really think we are so easy to bully?"

"Sister Duan Zi, every time I see you, you are so angry. If a woman is too angry, she will not only grow old easily, but also become ugly. Be careful not to get married." "You, bastard..." Duan Zi was so angry She almost lost her mind and raised her hand to attack Tang Yan. Duan Xianyue on the side quickly stopped her: "Junior sister, business is urgent. It's getting late. We need to arrange the accommodation for our guests as soon as possible."

Duan Zi took back his hand and glared at Tang Yan dissatisfied: "I advise you to restrain yourself on the mountain. This is the territory of my Duan family, not a place for you to run wild."

Tang Yan said disdainfully: "I'm telling you, it was your Duan family who sent me the invitation, not me who begged to go up the mountain. Therefore, I can abide by your rules if I want to, and you can't control them if I don't want to abide by them."

Just so arrogant.

Duan Zi took a few deep breaths: "Sister Xianyue, I will leave Tang Yan and the others to you. I will take Young Master Yun and the others up the mountain first."

After saying that, Duan Zi directly led Yun Xie and others to take the first step.

She was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would be tempted to take action against Tang Yan.

This is the territory of the Duan family, and even if the woman has a magical weapon, she is not afraid of her.

It's just that this will ruin the master's plan.

Duan Xianyue and Tang Yan were the only ones left at the scene.

Duan Xianyue glared at Tang Yan helplessly: "You can't control your bad temper. Crossing Evil Mountain is not friendly to outsiders like you. After going up the mountain, your strength will be suppressed to the minimum. If Duan Zi is on the mountain, If I attack you, how will you protect yourself?"

Tang Yan put a hand on Duan Xianyue's shoulder: "Isn't it your little Xianyue?"

Duan Xianyue slapped her paw away and said angrily: "Stop barking, I'm not familiar with you. Come on, follow me up the mountain."

Miao Yuan followed behind and sighed: "I see that little Tang of yours can meet enemies wherever he goes. He is quite capable."

(End of this chapter)

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