Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 658 The festival is abnormal

Chapter 658 The festival is abnormal
Xiao Yi's expression was very proud, as if he was honored: "This is the style of a master."

Miao Yuan: "Are you sure you're not the troublemaker?"

"You are the troublemaker, and your whole family is the troublemaker."

"The little monk is alone, but I am the whole family."

"Humph, what are you so proud of? It's as if no one is alone."

Xiao Yi and Miao Yuan were bickering in the back, while Tang Yan and Duan Xianyue walked side by side in front.

Du'e Mountain is different from other big mountains. In fact, it is very luxuriously built. There is a cement road from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and there are also some small cement branch roads.

Retro floor lamps line both sides of the road.

The cement road is illuminated, looking from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, it looks like a floating jade belt, dotted with stars.

Such a large mountain was opened up as a base for the Duan family, and it was not subject to official restrictions. It was entirely the Duan family's decision.

This is a bit intriguing.

Because there were people from the Duan family along the way, Duan Xianyue would not be too enthusiastic or too distant towards Tang Yan, which was a normal attitude toward guests.

Tang Yan asked her: "Didn't you say that outsiders are not allowed to attend the Duan family's ancestor worship ceremony? I see that there are a lot of outsiders here this time. I wonder if anyone will come later?"

Duan Xianyue also looked puzzled: "I don't know either. In fact, we have a lot of speculations about this matter, but this was decided by Master. If she doesn't say anything, we don't dare to ask."

Seeing that she really didn't know anything, Tang Yan changed the question: "The man named Yun Xie seems to be the young master of the exorcist clan. Are your Duan family and the exorcist clan very close?"

Duan Xianyue denied: "No, we have never had any dealings with the exorcist clan before, and I know a little bit about this matter.

It seems that Young Master Yun has been traveling abroad recently and he sent a message to my master.

He said that he had always been curious about the ancestor worship ceremony of our Duan family and asked if he could come and visit.

My master agreed without saying anything, so he came here. "

Tang Yan pointed back: "What about the monk behind me? Do you know why he came here?"

Duan Xianyue glanced back, and Miao Yuan smiled and winked at him. Her expression changed and she turned her head: "Fuck, what kind of weird things are the monks these days?"

Tang Yan patted her shoulder: "Sister, pay attention to your image. You are a movie queen, so you can't use bad words."

"I'm going to fuck xx's movie queen." Duan Xianyue cleared her throat again: "Ahem... I wasn't the one who scolded me just now. You saw it wrong."

Duan Xianyue regained her cold expression: "I think if you want to know this question, it would be more efficient to ask the monk directly than asking me."

"Do you think you can get the truth out of him? Even if what he tells you is the truth, do you dare to believe it?"

Duan Xianyue thought about the image of Miao Yuan: "Indeed, that monk is unreliable at first glance. I only know that the master invited Master Kongjing, but for some reason Master Kongjing did not come, but the flower monk did. .”

This is consistent with what Miao Yuan said.

But Tang Yan still intuitively believed that this matter would not be that simple.

Duan Xianyue looked back and forth. The people of the Duan family were far apart. She reminded Tang Yan in a low voice: "Anyway, there are too many abnormalities in this year's ancestor worship ceremony. You have to be careful. I can't help you." ”

(End of this chapter)

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