Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 659 Absolute Crushing

Chapter 659 Absolute Crushing
Tang Yan responded to her casually: "I said, just do your own thing well and don't do unnecessary things. Don't think about helping me either. Let's not talk about it anymore. Be careful that there are ears and eyes in the dark."

At this moment, Xiao Yi came over from behind: "Hey, Duan Yinghou, let me ask you, is it true that monks and alien creatures will be suppressed by the power of crossing the Evil Mountain?"

Duan Xianyue's voice was cold: "You will know if you try it yourself."

"Okay, you said it, then I'll try it." Xiao Yi took out the magic weapon and attacked the street lamp next to it.

The street lamps were motionless.

He attacks again.

The streetlight was not damaged at all.

The only thing that was damaged was probably the tree behind the street lamp, which had lost a yellowing leaf.

And it is not yet certain whether the leaves fell naturally or because they were attacked.

Xiao Bing came over and ridiculed: "Brother, you have become useless. You can't even deal with a lamp."

Xiao Yi sneered: "You can do it, come on."

"I can't, I'm scared."

Then you still have the nerve to point fingers at me?Where is the face?
Xiao Yi took back the magic weapon again: "This is no longer suppressing, it is just crushing. The spiritual power cannot be used at all. We are no different from ordinary people on this evil mountain.

Any member of this family can take care of us. Tangtang, don’t you think we are a sheep in a tiger’s mouth now? "

Duan Xianyue stared at Tang Yan, with too much in her eyes: Look, you should believe that I didn't lie to you now. I told you not to come, but you still insist on coming. You really don't know what the word "death" means. written.

Xiao Yi's disappointed expression only lasted for a moment, and the next second he became curious again: "What about your Duan family? What kind of strength is it on this mountain? Does it really have no impact on you at all?" Duan Xianyue took out With a wave of his hand, the tree behind the street lamp collapsed: "Same as in other places, there is no impact."

She would show such a trick mainly because she wanted to express to Tang Yan the strength gap between the two parties.

She looked at Tang Yan with complicated eyes, did you see it?It's not too late to go down the mountain now.

"Ah..." Tang Yan reached out and yawned, urging: "It's so late, please take us to the guest room quickly, I want to sleep."

Duan Xianyue: "!!!" This stubborn guy, if I try to persuade you again, I will be like a dog.

"Humph." Duan Xianyue turned around angrily and walked to the front.

Xiao Yi scratched his head inexplicably: "Why do I feel that the queen of the film was angry? Why? We didn't seem to have done anything, right? She cut down the tree herself, she couldn't blame us. let's go?"

Xiao Bing replied: "Brother, as the saying goes, this woman's temper is like the clouds in the sky, ever-changing. If you think about it clearly, it would be strange."

Miao Yuan came over and fiddled with the beads with one hand: "Maybe it was the beautiful sister who broke the girl's heart?"

Xiao Yi's mind widened: "What? You mean our Tangtang is the king of the sea, and he flirts with women everywhere, even women?"

Miao Yuan: "This is what you said, not me."

Duan Xianyue turned around and said fiercely: "Sister Hai, you are not afraid of bad words behind people's backs. Hurry up and follow me and take you to the guest room. I have to go back and rest early."

She was made inexplicably irritable by Tang Yan, but it was actually because she was too worried about her, and the girl acted as if nothing was wrong with her.

Did she realize the seriousness of the matter?
(End of this chapter)

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