Chapter 660 Dad Forbids
Xiao Yi curled her lips and said: "Queen Duan, your character is ruined. Aren't you afraid that I will take a picture of you just getting angry and post it on the Internet?"

Duan Xianyue wiped her neck: "You can try it."

Xiao Yi quickly lowered his tone: "I don't dare."

The guest room Duan Xianyue brought them to was a small hotel halfway up the mountain, next to the Taoist temple.

This Taoist temple is called Shangqing Temple. It is not big, but it is famous far and near.

Because it is very effective, there are many pilgrims who come here to offer incense.

The small hotel next to it is also prepared for those pilgrims.

The number of people the Duan family can receive every day is limited, so the hotel is not too big, just a simple three-story wooden building.

Duan Xianyue introduced: "I received a text message from Duan Zi before. Young Master Yun and the others chose Room [-] on the second floor. Except for these three rooms, you can choose the rest of the rooms."

Tang Yan asked: "What room number does Yun Xie live in?"

"Room number seven."

Tang Yan looked up: "Then I want room [-] on the third floor."

At this time, Xiao Yi jumped out: "No, I object. Why are you living above that person?"

"Don't you think I'm the King of the Sea? Of course the King of the Sea must know how to cast a net. It's convenient to do this upstairs or downstairs."

Xiao Yi stretched out an "Erkang hand": "No, I object."

"The objection is invalid, let's go." Tang Yan took the suitcase from Xiao Yi and walked to Room [-] on the third floor.

Miao Yuan patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder with great sympathy: "The child has grown up and is not allowed to stay. Sorry, sister of the Duan family, I want to live in Room [-] of Building [-]."

Xiao Yi hurriedly followed: "What do you want for room number six, you flower monk? What do you want to do to my sugar baby? Dad, I won't allow it."

Xiao Bing: "???" Senior brother, have you taken the role of father a little too far?That's our leader.So Tang Yan, Miao Yuan, Xiao Yi, and Xiao B lived in rooms seven, six, five, and four respectively.

Duan Xianyue followed Tang Yan to her room No. [-].

Tang Yan put the suitcase casually and took Chou Chou out of the bag.

Chou Chou waved to Duan Xianyue: "Hi, Miss Best Actress, long time no see, you are still so beautiful."

Duan Xianyue was still irritable, so she said unkindly: "You are still so ugly."

Ugly, ugly, ugly, I'm eating your rice because I'm ugly.

Forget it, he has to get used to it. He has to get used to saying that he is ugly is a compliment. After all, it is unforgettable and that is also a skill.

What's so strange about having the same appearance? If you want to look longer, you have to look like him with style.

"Hmph, I'll just think you're complimenting me." Chou Chou walked aside, opened the suitcase, and sorted out Tang Yan's clothes.

Tang Yan lay down on the rattan rocking chair and started rocking leisurely: "Duan Yinghou, do you have anything else to do? It's so late, aren't you afraid that I will transform into the King of the Sea?"

The next second, Duan Xianyue took out a bouquet of yellow roses from behind and placed it in the vase on the table: "Send it to you."

Tang Yan: "!!!"

Chou Chou: "!!!"

Tang Yan sat up and raised his eyes: "Sending roses? What do you mean? Are you confessing your love to me? Sorry, I refuse. I am a family man."

The corner of Duan Xianyue's mouth twitched: "Don't get me wrong, I planted a large area of ​​roses in my yard because this variety of roses is particularly fragrant. I just want to purify the air in your room."

(End of this chapter)

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