Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 661 Attacking Miao Yuan

Chapter 661 Attacking Miao Yuan
Tang Yan stood up, forced Duan Xianyue to the corner, and put one hand on the wall: "Do you know, sometimes explanation is just a cover-up."

"Believe it or not, you are so good at thinking, why don't you write a novel? It's getting late, go to bed early." Duan Xianyue pushed Tang Yan away expressionlessly and walked out.

Chou Chou quickly stuffed her phone into her pink skirt.

He had already photographed the evidence of Zha Zhayan publicly flirting with girls and sent it to Jun Liyan.

If others can’t cure you, why can’t your men cure you?
Huh, let you always bully me.

Tang Yan pretended not to notice Chou Chou's little move, picked up her pajamas and went to the bathroom.

After washing, she only rested for about an hour before she opened her eyes and looked at her phone. It was 01:30 in the morning.

She changed out of her pajamas and pushed Chou Chou, who was lying next to him with big words: "Hey, do me a favor."

Chou Chou woke up rubbing his eyes, and his voice was a bit fierce: "What are you doing? You're up late at night. Do you want to be a thief?"

Tang Yan took out the props in the bag, counted them, and drew a few more talismans: "That's just to be a thief. On such a beautiful night, wouldn't it be a pity not to be a thief?"

Chou Chou sat on the bed with his hands folded: "Tell me, which good man do you want to harm?"

Tang Yan pointed to the next door.

"What?" Chou Chou covered his mouth and whispered: "You don't even let the monks go. You are really worse than a beast."

Tang Yan packed up the props: "In one sentence, do you want to do it or not?"

"Fuck, fuck him."

Tang Yan folded the talisman he had just drawn into a lucky star and threw it to Chou Chou: "You help me maintain the formation here. I will isolate the next room and take care of him."

Think about it, it's so exciting.

Chou Chou thought of a bad scene: "No, a man and a woman alone are not allowed to live in the same room."

"You can treat the monk as a eunuch, so you won't have so much psychological burden?"


"But what is it? Are you excited to cooperate with your acting? Again, I am not interested in anyone except my dear, Jun."

Well, since I recorded your confession to Jun Liyan, I will help you.Chou Chou grabbed the lucky star on the bed: "Okay, can you tell me what to do?"

Tang Yan leaned into his ear and told him a plan.

After hearing this, Chou Chou said: "Okay, leave it to me. We have cooperated for so many years and will never hold you back."

Tang Yan rubbed Chou Chou's head: "Be good."

Chou Chou's two big braids were raised up, and he said very arrogantly: "Don't touch it randomly, it will make others look less handsome."

Have you ever been handsome?

Forget it, if you still want him to help, you won't hit him, so as not to blow up your hair again later.

After Tang Yan set up the formation here, he asked Chou Chou to sit at the main door to maintain his strength.

Then she opened the door and slipped out.

Then, she used a silk thread to pry open Miao Yuan's door.

Enter the house, close the door, all in one go.

She touched the darkness and walked quietly to Miao Yuan's bedroom.

I saw the monk lying flat in the middle of the bed, with his hands folded on his lower abdomen. He seemed to have entered a deep sleep.

This sleeping position is also strangely regular, as peaceful as a dead person.

Tang Yan rushed over and without saying a word, he struck at Miao Yuan's body with the Demon-Breaking Bow.

Feeling the crisis, Miao Yuan suddenly opened her eyes and jumped up instantly.

The bed was split in half.

Miao Yuan stood by the window, his monk's robe blown by the wind. He looked at Tang Yan calmly and seriously: "Pretty sister, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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