Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 663 Year of Reincarnation

Chapter 663: Reincarnation for Thousand Years
As soon as Tang Yan climbed out of Miaoyuan's window, he saw Xiao Yi in the next room opening his window and sticking his head out.

Xiao Yi's mouth was so wide that he could fit an egg in it: It's over, it's over, Jun Wu, your wife climbed through the window.

Hallucination, hallucination, it must be hallucination.

Xiao Yi rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked over again. Tang Yan was hanging on the window of his room, staring at him with a smile.

That smile is like a devil.

Then she made another gesture of wiping her neck: If you dare to snitch on my baby, I will kill you.

Xiao Yi felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, feeling cold from head to toe. He glanced up and whistled.

"Ah, the moonlight is so beautiful tonight, but it's a pity that everyone is asleep. It's a peaceful and beautiful night again."

Tang Yan: "..." Fifty-cent acting skills.


After Tang Yan left Miao Yuan's room, Miao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the chair.

His eyelids lowered to cover the surging emotions in his eyes.

Who is the beautiful sister?

Why can't it be suppressed by the thousand-year formation of Due Mountain?

If she is not suppressed, then what about the young master of the Yun family who even he can't see through?
Wouldn't it be suppressed?

Miao Yuan sat in the room for a full hour, unable to figure out some things.

He took his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message: Let’s meet now.

The person on the other side immediately replied: Back Mountain, Liuli Pavilion.

Miao Yuan stood up and walked out of the room.

His steps were very light, making no sound when they came into contact with the ground, as if they were floating on the ground.Soon, Miao Yuan arrived at Liuli Pavilion in the back mountain.

There was a woman standing in the pavilion. The woman turned around and it was Duan Xiuman.

Duan Xiuman looked up and down: "Are you Zen Master Miaoyin? Oh, no, you should be called Miaoyuan in this life, but I didn't expect that you would look like this now, unlike the eminent monk , more like a magic stick."

This is a secret that only the head of the Duan family can know.

Thousands of years of powerful grievances are sealed in formations in this Crossing Evil Mountain.

Because this resentment has a special origin and is too powerful, the sealing formation needs to be reinforced every 100 years.

Each strengthening of the seal was completed by the successive heads of the Duan family and the reincarnation of Zen Master Miaoyin.

Because it was the ancestors of the Duan family and Zen Master Miaoyin who sealed this resentment back then.

For this reason, Zen Master Miaoyin has been reincarnated for thousands of years.

Therefore, they will not be suppressed on this evil mountain.

This is also to prevent those who want to destroy the formation and vent their resentment.

In that case, the entire world will face a huge disaster.

Miao Yuan replied: "You, the Duan family, have really inherited the fine traditions of your ancestors. You are strict and rigid, and you don't know how to adapt. It's a new era, and monks have to keep pace with the times, right?"

No matter how much we keep pace with the times, we have never seen a monk wearing a floral shirt.

"Hmph, you're just trying to be mysterious." Duan Xiuman didn't waste any words: "The formation reinforcement time will be after the ancestor worship ceremony in two days. What's the matter with you coming out to me so late?"

Miao Yuan did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point: "The Duan family's ancestor worship ceremony prohibits outsiders from going up the mountain. The main reason is to prevent accidents when reinforcing the formation. Are you not afraid that something bad will happen if you let two groups of unrelated people go up the mountain this time? "

Duan Xiuman answered confidently: "They will be suppressed by the power, and their spiritual power will not be used at all. What can happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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