Chapter 664
Miao Yuan wanted to say that if the spiritual power could not be used, it would be a joke.

The beautiful sister is just like a normal person.

However, Miao Yuan did not intend to tell the truth.

The person he trusted was the ancestor of the Duan family, not the current head of the Duan family.

Miao Yuan shook her head: "Nothing is absolute. If there is an accident, it will be too late to regret it."

Miao Yuan was not worried about Tang Yan, he mainly felt that something might happen to Yun Xie.

Duan Xiuman was not very happy: "I will be responsible for any accidents. You don't need to worry about it."

The current head of the Duan family is no longer a stickler for rules, but a headstrong and selfish person.

Alas, it seems that the Duan family is exhausted.

Before he came, he asked his master to divine a divination, which was a sign of great misfortune that he had never seen before.

But the death hexagram also implies a very slim chance of life. I wonder if that slight change could be because of the beautiful sister.

Miao Yuan changed the subject: "I'm very curious, what exactly do you want to do to Tang Yan when you invite her to the mountain?"

He could clearly feel the hostility of the Duan family towards their beautiful sister.

The murderous intent flashed through Duan Xiuman's eyes, but she hid it well.

"What can it be? She had some misunderstandings about our Duan family before. I invited her up the mountain in the hope of bringing her closer to our Duan family. You should also be able to see that that girl is very special. She can be a friend but never a friend. enemy."

Since you know it in your heart, why are what you say and what you do completely different?

Miao Yuan knew that persuasion was useless, so she finally said: "I hope you can remember what you just said so that you can take care of yourself."

Turn around and leave.

Duan Xiuman looked at Miao Yuan's back, her face instantly fell, with a hint of ferocity.

She clenched her hands into fists with strong hatred in her heart, Tang Yan, why do you, a person who ignores the rules and ignores good and evil, always have adventures?With the magic weapon in hand, even Zen Master Miaoyin will help you speak.

Why?Why?This God is really unfair!

Miao Yuan walked to a place where Duan Xiuman could not see and grabbed the invisible paper butterfly on her shoulder.

The butterfly struggled in his hand.

Miao Yuan chuckled lightly, her expression a little helpless. She didn't know whether she was talking to the butterfly or the air: "Pretty sister, don't be so curious."

Then he released the butterfly.

The butterfly disappeared in the night sky, flew into Tang Yan's room, and landed directly on her slender fingertips.

Then, the butterfly burst into flames and disappeared into the air.

Tang Yan said eight words in a cold and melodious voice: "Zen Master Miaoyin, strengthen the formation."

Chou Chou ran to sit next to her: "How is it? Do you think that Hua Monk is good or bad?"

"I don't know, judging from the current information, there is a millennium of resentment in this Crossing Evil Mountain, and it was Monk Nahua's previous life that sealed this resentment.

He seems to come to reinforce this formation every once in a while, so the purpose of this flower monk coming here is just to strengthen the formation. "

Tang Yan guessed that the resentment should have been sealed by Monk Hua and the ancestors of the Duan family, so he and the women of the Duan family would not be suppressed here.

To deal with the resentment here in such a troublesome way, it seems that the resentment is stronger than she imagined.

Suddenly I felt that this mission only had 100 merit points. Was it a loss?
Sure enough, the God Realm is a bunch of stingy guys.

At the moment, we still need to figure out the reason for that resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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