Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 665 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 665 The Uninvited Guest

Tang Yan continued: "The monk's goal is to continue to seal this resentment, and my goal is to purify the resentment here. I don't know if there will be a conflict by then."

Chou Chou couldn't understand: "Huh? In fact, your goals are very similar. They are all to prevent this resentment from running out and causing harm to the people. Then you can definitely unite as one, so how can there be conflicts?"

Tang Yan explained to him patiently: "There are still very subtle differences, and it is this subtlety that will bring about a lot of variables.

For example, Miao Yuan's idea is to seal the resentment and prevent it from getting out.

My idea is that it is better to block than to open up, to break and then to establish. In order to purify the resentment, I will probably choose to break the sealing formation first.

Of course, doing so may have serious consequences, so I have to be cautious.

Although what I am talking about is the most extreme situation, it does not mean that it will not happen. "

Chou Chou understood, and the whole doll was shrouded in seriousness: "So, Miao Yuan is also our enemy?"

"Not really. At least we can make it clear that he is different from Duan Xiuman and Yun Xie. If he is useful, we can still trust him."

In fact, this is not what Tang Yan is most worried about. What she is worried about is whether the resentment in the formation has changed.

This thing is like raising a poison.

If you lock a group of resentful spirits in one place for thousands of years, no one can say what kind of things they will grow in the end.

However, when it comes to mutations——

Tang Yan looked at Chou Chou and suddenly thought of something: "Hey, that woman inside, did you think of anything when you came to this place?"

A woman's voice comes from the doll's body, making the whole doll look gentler.

"Miss Tang, I'm sorry, I still don't have any memory."

"It's okay. Let's talk about it later when you remember something."



At this moment, Tang Yan's ears moved and she heard something crawling from the outer wall to her window.She glanced at Chou Chou, who immediately ran to the corner and quietly acted like a rag doll.

Tang Yan opened the quilt and lay on the bed again.

The room fell into a deep sleep within two seconds.

At the same time, something pushed open the window and climbed in, making a hissing sound.

It was a huge green snake in a spiritual state, with a drop of bright red blood between its eyebrows.

It crawled to Tang Yan's bed, stood up, then opened its big mouth and bit Tang Yan.

Tang Yan turned over and slapped the green snake out of the window.

"Hiss..." A scream.

Chou Chou: "???"

WTF?Is this the end?The sneak attack was too substandard.

Or is this guy Zha Zhayan's strength abnormal again?

On the other side, after the spirit snake was shot away, the drop of blood on its forehead was wiped away. Its spirit body was severely injured and crawled back to its owner.

Yu Tong was waiting anxiously in the room, watching his spiritual pet return.

"What's going on? Are you back so soon? Have you bitten that woman's spirit body?"

The spirit snake lay weakly at Yu Tong's feet, with a very aggrieved expression: "Hiss, hiss..."

Master, that woman is so cruel, Snake is so scared.

A woman who can damage half of her cultivation level with just one slap is really terrifying.

Yu Tong frowned: "You saw clearly, are you sure it was the woman who beat you?"

(End of this chapter)

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