Chapter 679 Let's Fight
Tang Yan stopped paying attention to the two women at the next table.

There is no point in talking too much about verbal disputes. It is better to have a good fight.

But with the Duan family woman's character, it's not that easy to fight.

Not long after, Tang Yan's order was brought out.

When they were halfway through eating, several male disciples from the Duan family came over.

One of the male disciples kicked their table with his foot and his tone was very unfriendly.

"Hey, we occupied this table first, please find another place to eat."

It's not that the Duan family doesn't have male disciples, it's just that women have the final say in the Duan family.

Male disciples will be relatively rare.

Xiao Yi looked around. At this time, the dining hall was full of people, and there was no free space.

He put down his chopsticks and said, "Oh, you Duan family members don't want us to have breakfast in peace, right?"

Even Xiao Bing, who had a slightly better temper, was a little angry at this time and pointed at Tang Yan.

"Have you seen this little girl? Let me tell you, she has a bad temper. If you continue to argue blindly, what will happen? Don't blame me for not warning you in advance."

The male disciple let out a disdainful snort from his nose.

What are the consequences?
These people were suppressed by the Duan family. They dared to get angry but did not dare to take action. They were all just bluffing.

The male disciple then said, "You are the ones who occupied our table. Are you still reasonable?"

Xiao Yi: "Why is this your table in a public place? Is your name engraved on it or something?"

The male disciple took out a pair of very special chopsticks from the chopstick holder: "See, these are my senior brother's exclusive chopsticks. We all use these chopsticks to occupy seats.

Everyone on Duewu Mountain knows that as long as the pair of chopsticks are placed on which table, that table has been reserved by us in advance, so you have occupied our table. "

It was the first time that Xiao Yi and Xiao B saw that there was such a rule in the Xuanmen sect.This part of the home is really rotten from top to bottom.

Tang Yan remained silent, ignoring what was going on outside the window, and ate his own food.

After she finished eating, she put down her chopsticks and wiped her mouth with a tissue.

Then, he raised his head and looked at the male disciple with the highest status among the people looking for trouble.

"If you don't like it, let's have a fight."

The senior brother of the Duan family, Duan Zhengyi, pushed away the male disciple who was speaking and took two steps forward.

"Miss Tang, are you sure you want to fight with me? Then word gets out that I bully women, which may not be good."

Tang Yan had a sneer on his face: "Aren't you doing so many things just to anger us so that we can take action first?

how?Are you going to start pretending to be a gentleman now?As expected of a member of the Duan family, both men and women are so hypocritical. "

Tang Yan was right, they were using the provoking method, hoping that Tang Yan and the others would take action first.

After all, they have an absolute advantage here.

Bullying outsiders is too obvious and cannot be justified morally.

Therefore, when it comes to making an appointment, the other party must speak first.

Duan Zhengyi clasped his hands in his fists: "Since Miss Tang has kindly invited you, I would rather obey your orders than be respectful. Let me introduce myself. I am Duan Zhengyi, the eldest brother of the Duan family."

Tang Yan stood up and suddenly changed the topic: "Oh, you like Duan Zi, right? What a pity, she doesn't like you, she dislikes you for being short."

Tang Yan was right, Duan Zhengyi wanted to please Duan Zi, so he deliberately targeted them.

  Thank you for quitting my childish Bingkuoluo~

(End of this chapter)

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