Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 680 Let You 3 Moves

Chapter 680 Let You Three Moves
Being poked at the central issue, Duan Zhengyi's ears turned red: "Miss Tang, I don't know what you are talking about. What does this have to do with Junior Sister Duan Zi?"

Xiao Yi sarcastically said: "Haha, it doesn't matter. Why are your ears so red?"

Xiao Bing sang along: "Hey, what a pity. You desperately want to stand up for the woman you love, but it's a pity that people don't like you at all. Why are you a dwarf?"

Duan Zhengyi is about 1.7 meters tall, which is a standard height, but compared to the Prince Charming in the hearts of girls, there is still some gap.

This has always been a pain point in Duan Zhengyi's heart.

Duan Zhengyi clenched his fists unhappily.

Duan Zi felt that something was wrong, so he immediately came over with embarrassment on his face and explained: "Elder brother, don't listen to their nonsense. I have never disliked you."

Xiao Yi folded his hands and looked like he was watching a show: "Oh, don't you dare to do it? I also have a recording of you commenting on the height of your senior brother. Do you want me to play it for you?"

There is no recording.

Xiao Yi and Tang Yan have been together for a long time and have learned this trick to deceive the enemy.

And where there are more women, there is more talk.

You can tell by looking at Duan Zi's expression that she must have said such a thing.

Duan Zi's face changed, and he quickly looked at Duan Zhengyi aggrievedly: "Elder brother, believe me, I really never said that."

Duan Zhengyi: "Junior sister, I know that they are trying to sow discord. I will not be fooled. I know better than anyone what kind of person you are."

Xiao B, Xiao C: "!!!" Another idiot.

Don't blame Bailianhua for having a market, it's all because there are too many stupid men.

Duan Zhengyi looked at Tang Yan: "Miss Tang, there is no point in arguing with each other. Let's see the real results in the martial arts competition. How about that?"

He must vent his anger for Junior Sister Duan Zi.

"Let's go." Tang Yan walked out of the dining hall.

They arrived at the Duan family's competition ground.It was a huge carved round stone platform built in the mountains.

It is said that the material of this stone platform is very special and can automatically absorb spiritual power.

In other words, attacking this stone platform with spiritual power is completely ineffective.

Tang Yan and Duan Zhengyi stood on the fighting field.

Duan Zhengyi clasped his hands in his fists: "Miss Tang, for the sake of you being a girl, I won't bully you. Let's have a competition without using spiritual power."

In fact, he still has an advantage.

Because Due Mountain suppresses outsiders not only in terms of spiritual power, but also in terms of physical ability.

Duan Zhengyi continued: "In addition, I will give you three more moves. Miss Tang, what do you think of this competition plan?"

Before Tang Yan could speak, he heard the female disciples in the audience chattering.

"Ah, even the enemy must be defended. Senior brother is really a gentleman, so handsome."

"Hey, if I hadn't known that I couldn't compare to Senior Sister Duan Zi, I really wouldn't want to miss such a good man like Senior Brother."

"Sister, who says it's not the case? Good men are so rare these days. Senior Sister Duan Zi is so lucky."


Duan Zi also looked at Duan Zhengyi with pride.

Although she didn't like this man, these compliments could still satisfy her vanity.

Xiao B said to Xiao B: "These women act as if they have never seen a man before. Our Jun Wu is called a good man, okay? What kind of onion is that on the stage? He is not even qualified to carry my shoes."

Xiao Bing replied: "You have to understand that these women have grown up among women. It is normal that they have never seen a good man."

(End of this chapter)

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