Chapter 689 Kill Chou Chou
Tang Yan: "Wait."

The boy was so frightened that he jumped on the spot: "What else do you want to do? If you bully me again, believe it or not, I will kill you for your sake."

I am Taishang Laojun's most beloved little boy. If I die, he will definitely take you back to make elixirs, huh. "

Tang Yan rubbed the little boy's hairy head: "Brother, it's your birthday today and I haven't given you a gift yet."

Come again?The little boy said with a serious face: "I don't want a red bellyband or green pants."

Tang Yan took a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates from her bag and gave it to him: "Here, last time I was in the God Realm, you said you liked this the most. In order to find an opportunity to give it to you, I kept bringing it with me."

What's strange is that she bought it for herself in the county town because she was afraid that there would be no food on Due Mountain.

The little boy took the chocolate, sniffed, and hugged Tang Yan's neck with his short hands.

"Good brother, good brother, you will be my good brother for life. If you need anything in the future, come to me. Brother, I will take you to eat and drink."

Oh, it's so deceiving.

After sending the little boy away, Tang Yan took the drawing and studied it for a while.

Then she walked to the main hall, taking special steps and chanting.

"Wear nine shoes on one, three on the left and seven on the right, two and four are shoulders, six and eight are feet, and five is in the middle."

Her last step stopped in the center of the hall.

Immediately afterwards, she disappeared directly from the hall.

The darkroom at Shangqingguan is said to be a darkroom, but it is not the darkroom in the general impression.

This is a mirror world.

The darkroom is actually a replica of the entire Shangqing Temple.

The place where Tang Yan is standing now is still in the center of Shangqing Temple.

The only difference is that the sky above is not blue, but pitch black.

The place outside the Taoist temple was also pitch black.In the inner hall of Shangqing Temple, there seemed to be a very weak movement.

Tang Yan weakened his breathing and tried to minimize his presence.

While observing, he walked in carefully.

Tang Yan came to the innermost building of Shangqing Temple and found a very secluded corner to stand.

It just so happens that you can see clearly what's going on indoors from this position.

Chou Chou was placed in the center of a formation by Monk Nahua.

As expected, it was this monk, and Tang Yan was not surprised.

The Miao Yuan Jie Vajra sat in lotus position with his hands clasped together and a rosary in his hands. After reciting a sutra and mantra, he opened his eyes.

"Chou Chou Donor, have you thought about it?"

Chou Chou lay on the ground, unable to move: "I think about your uncle's best."

"Hey, in order to avoid the destruction of all living beings in the world, I can only do this. I know that I will fall into hell after my death. If I have a chance, I will repay my debt to you."

Chou Chou still doesn't understand why the monk wanted to arrest him.

"Smelly monk, I have no enmity with you, why do you want me to die?"

Could it be that the fact that he is a Xuanzhu weapon spirit has been exposed?

These righteous people reject the demon clan, so why would this smelly monk attack him?
But I always feel like something is wrong.

Miao Yuan sighed: "I didn't want you to die, I just couldn't let go of the spirit body in your body."

Chou Chou exclaimed: "What? You want to kill your old sweetheart? Huh, you men really don't have a good thing."

There was a trace of bitterness on the corner of Miao Yuan's mouth: "She is not my old sweetheart. If we really want to count, she is probably my savior."

(End of this chapter)

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