Chapter 690
Chou Chou was stunned when he heard this: "What? You want to kill your savior? Men really repay kindness with hatred, they are heartless things, scumbags, big pig hooves."

This matter is too complicated to explain, and this ugly baby may not be able to understand it.

"Whatever you say, hey, I just didn't expect that the beautiful sister would put that woman's spirit body into your body.

I was also looking for opportunities along the way, but my beautiful sister was very wary of me and looked at me too closely. To reach this point is really not what I want to see. "

Chou Chou didn't want to listen to his sophistry at all: "Can't you just take that spirit body out of my body? Why do you have to destroy me too?"

"If it's outside of Crossing Evil Mountain, then there is still the option you mentioned, but on this Crossing Evil Mountain, you absolutely cannot do that."


"Because the spirit body is somehow involved with the resentment suppressed on this mountain. If the breath of the spirit body is sensed by the resentment, unknown changes will occur. No one can afford such a price."

Chou Chou was still a little panicked. What kind of resentment was that?

Even the flower monk is afraid of this.

"Okay, Chou Chou Donor, that's all we have to say, just treat it as a monk and I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry."

After Miao Yuan finished speaking, she recited some secret formula.

"Ah..." Chou Chou cried out in pain.

At this moment, several lucky stars flew from the window and broke the formation arranged by Miao Yuan around Chou Chou.

Chou Chou immediately got up, ran behind Tang Yan, and climbed onto her shoulders, holding Tang Yan's hair with her short hands.

"You've been watching the show outside for so long, aren't you afraid that something will happen to me? You just scared me to death."

When Tang Yan first arrived in the darkroom, Chou Chou felt it.

"I just wanted to hear what kind of useful information this monk would tell me, but he said a bunch of incomprehensible things."

In fact, he didn't want to kill. Someone could stop him at the critical moment. Miao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He had also decided long ago that if Tang Yan could arrive in time, he would stop.It all seems to be destiny.

Miao Yuan stood up, turned around, and looked at Tang Yan very calmly: "Beautiful sister, if you want to know anything, just ask. I will tell you everything I know."

"What is the cause of the resentment in Due Mountain?"

Miao Yuan dragged two chairs over: "This is a long story. Sit down and I will tell you slowly."

Tang Yan said first: "I read an article in the county chronicle in the online library of Gongzhu County, and it actually told a very bizarre story. Monk, do you want to listen to it first?"

"what story?"

Then, Tang Yan told the story she saw in the county annals.

2000 years ago, the dynasty at that time was the Great Xia Kingdom.

Princess County is still a small, remote tribe and is not included in the territory of Daxia.

Daxia was founded on Taoism, so the national preceptors at that time belonged to Taoism.

The national master's surname was Duan, and he had a son and a daughter.

This son is a born Taoist. At only seven years old, he has already mastered all Taoist scriptures and learned all the techniques.

The next national preceptor is, not surprisingly, this boy from the Duan family.

However, the boy was born in Taoism, but he has a heart towards Buddha.

When he was 13 years old, he gave up all worldliness and became a monk.

Because the boy was proficient in debating and had many miracles, he became the respected Zen Master Miaoyin in just three years.

Duan Guoshi was so angry that he immediately removed the boy from the family and passed the position of Guoshi to the boy's sister.

(End of this chapter)

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