Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 691 The Cause of Resentment

Chapter 691 The Cause of Resentment
After Zen Master Miaoyin became a monk, he traveled around the world. It is said that he broke into the demon world and also visited the demon world.

Later, when he was 20 years old, he was injured in the Shura Realm. He desperately escaped from the Shura Realm and fell into Princess County.

Oh, that tribe at that time was called the Princess Tribe.

The residents of the Princess Tribe are kind and honest, and they make a living by selling medicinal herbs.

The leader of the tribe is a kind-hearted little girl named Lan Guyue.

Zen Master Miaoyin was injured by the magic weapon of the Shura clan, and ordinary herbs had no effect at all.

Lan Guyue had no choice but to use her own blood to save Zen Master Miaoyin.

Zen Master Miaoyin also knew the secret of the princess tribe.

It turns out that the blood of most people in the princess tribe is actually blue and has the ability to bring the dead back to life.

After Zen Master Miaoyin recovered, he returned to Daxia and told this bizarre experience to his sister.

They didn't know that there was another person present at that time, an evil monk who wanted to usurp the position of national master.

The evil monk told the king of Daxia about this.

And told the king that the blood of the princess's tribe residents could refine the elixir of immortality.

The king had evil thoughts, but he knew that the Duan family was very upright and was unwilling to do such a thing.

It may even become a hindrance to him.

So, the King of Daxia found a reason to send away the Duan family and Zen Master Miaoyin.

He also ordered the evil monks to take hundreds of monks to arrest people in the princess tribe.

In the end, for unknown reasons, the monks and the princess tribe died together.

Not long after, Daxia was destroyed by a king with a different surname and the country was renamed Dashang.

Tang Yan continued: "The records in the county annals end here. The records were very detailed at the beginning, but were obviously sloppy at the end. Some scholars believe that some historical materials were lost because of the war.

But I think that there should be some unspeakable reasons, and certain things cannot be recorded in public information. "

Miao Yuan looked at Tang Yan. He never expected that this girl already knew so many things.

She was really smart beyond his expectation, too smart.

She could actually think of looking through the county records and find useful information among a lot of boring information.

Very few people can do this.

Perhaps, she really is the glimmer of life in the hexagram.

Miao Yuan calmed down her excitement: "Then I will tell you why the latter part cannot be recorded in public information.

In fact, the people of the Princess Tribe not only have blood that can bring the dead back to life, but most of their tribe members also have supernatural powers.

It is conceivable that those human monks would not gain much from their hands, but they still underestimated the evil of human nature.

The leading evil monk saw that he could not win the princess tribe, so he thought of an evil method.

He planned to use the heaven and earth as a furnace to make elixirs from the people of the princess tribe alive.

In order to activate this evil method, a living person must be sacrificed, not ordinary people, but a monk with a certain level of cultivation.

So, the evil monk designed to poison the other monks. Who would have expected that his companion would stab him in the back.

Although the evil monk's final plan did not succeed, the princess tribe also paid a heavy price, and no one on both sides survived.

When my sister and I got the news and rushed to this place, it had become a purgatory on earth, filled with resentment, and Lan Guyue was the most powerful resentful spirit. "

(End of this chapter)

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