Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 694 The Taoist Temple Collapsed

Chapter 694 The Taoist Temple Collapsed
Miao Yuan was still a little frustrated: "Is this price too high? Can we wait a little longer and come up with a more stable plan?"

After all, once Pandora's box is opened, no one can predict what will happen.

Tang Yan said: "Before coming here, I need to know the situation here. I may also consider a more secure plan, but after coming here, I know that we can only prepare for the worst."

"Why? Is it because the evil Lan Guyue is too powerful?"


Tang Yan decided to tell Miao Yuan the information she knew.

"Because there are two variables known so far. One is Yun Xie. I have reason to guess that he is here for those two holy objects. According to his character, he will do everything possible to obtain those two holy objects. "

The sacred objects are about to be taken away, so naturally this sealing formation cannot be maintained.

What's more, there is a sacred object in the center of the sealing formation.

If you want to get it, you must first find ways to destroy the formation.

"Secondly, I suspect that someone in the Duan family has been infiltrated by the demon clan. As for the demon clan's purpose, it may be that they want to use the Duan family's help to destroy me, or they may also want those two sacred objects."

This is no longer a matter of unilaterally relying on Miao Yuan's will.

Whether it was the demons or Yun Xie, they were not forces that he could easily deal with.

Miao Yuan was now completely convinced by Tang Yan: "Okay, pretty sister, I will do whatever you say from now on, and I will listen to you."

Now it seems that he was really lucky to take her car out of curiosity.

"Then what should the supreme good Lan Guyue do?"

Tang Yan patted Chou Chou's head, and Lan Guyue regained consciousness: "That's it, let's see her own choices in the future."

At this time, Chou Chou made a female voice: "Miss Tang, what do you choose? Where is this place?"

"When you recall your origins, you will naturally know what choice to make." "Yeah."


After Tang Yan came out of Shangqing Taoist Temple, it was exactly what the little medicine boy said.

The entire Taoist temple collapsed with a loud noise and dust filled the sky.

Xiao B and Xiao B happened to be passing by here, looking at the scene in front of them, dumbfounded.

"I'll choke you." Xiao Yi patted his thigh hard and ran over in a panic, pulling Tang Yan to go down the mountain.

"what are you doing?"

Xiao Yi couldn't pull Tang Yan away at all, and was extremely anxious: "Hurry up and run away. You blew up someone else's Taoist temple. How can they let you go? Everyone in the Duan family will definitely hunt you down."

Xiao Bing also took Tang Yan's other hand: "Tangtang, senior brother is right, let's run away while the Duan family is still on the top of the mountain.

Being oppressed on other people's territory, we can only let others control us. We can keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood. Let's play in this part of the house next time, be good. "

Miao Yuan looked at Xiao Yi and Xiao B with a wicked smile on her face: "Brother Green, Brother Pink, do you have any misunderstandings about your beautiful sister?"

Xiao Yi shook his head vigorously: "What misunderstanding? Do you want to say that this Taoist temple was not fried by my family?

I don’t know her well yet. With her character, I wouldn’t be surprised if she blew up a Taoist temple or even the Due Mountain. "

Miao Yuan: Well, you are right, the pretty sister might really want to blow up Due Mountain.

Tang Yan touched his chin: "Well, it's a good idea to blow up the evil mountain."

Miao Yuan: "!!!" Monk really didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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