Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 695: Cutting off people’s food and clothing

Chapter 695: Cutting off people’s food and clothing
"Cough cough cough..." Miao Yuan coughed twice: "I mean, you misunderstood the strength of the beautiful sister. Who said she would be suppressed on this evil mountain?"

He didn't understand it before, but maybe he understands it a little bit now.

He and the Duan family were not suppressed because they had to protect the formation.

And Tang Yan is the one destined to resolve the grievances here, so he will not be suppressed.

Hey, if he had figured this out earlier, he wouldn't have caused so many troubles.

Hopefully, the beautiful sister won't hold a grudge against him because of what happened to the ugly baby just now.

Xiao Yi had a look of disbelief on Miao Yuan's face: "Are you telling me that my Tangtang has not been suppressed? Are you kidding me?"

Xiao Bing pulled Xiao B: "Senior brother, this is not impossible. Think about it, when Tangtang competed just now, he was just like a normal person. You must know that the suppression of Due Mountain involves both spiritual and physical strength. "

When he said this, Xiao Yi also felt that it made sense: "Tangtang, you can breathe fire for me and let me see if you are really not suppressed."

Tang Yan shook off Xiao Yi's hand and hit his forehead: "You still breathe fire, you think I'm just a juggler."

The Chouchou on the shoulder complained to her: "You are not just a juggler. Don't forget that your specialty is crushing rocks from your chest and chopping durians with your bare hands."

Seeing Tang Yan's calm look, Xiao Yi felt relieved.

"Ah, Tangtang, do you actually have such a specialty? Show me a show sometime, and I will cheer you up and throw coins, lots of coins."

Do you think I'm a street performer?
Xiao Bing felt that the topic was gradually getting sidetracked: "That's not right. Even if Tangtang was not suppressed, she still had to run away. She blew up other people's Taoist temples.

I don’t need to repeat how popular the Shangqing Taoist Temple is. This is one of the sources of income for the Duan family. Bombing a Taoist temple is like depriving people of food and clothing. The Duan family will fight for you. "

Miao Yuan also joked: "Well, run, you really should run away."

He was a little curious about how his beautiful sister would end up making such a big fuss.

This is no small matter.Tang Yan looked at the Duan family coming angrily from a distance and stuffed Chou Chou into his bag: "It's probably too late to run away."

Miao Yuan: "???"

Why can your little bag fit such a big doll?Is it possible that the ugly doll can stretch and retract automatically?

A group of people from the Duan family gathered around, led by Duan Zi.

She stared at Tang Yan, her lips trembling: "You, you, you, Tang Yan, you bitch, what did you do to Shangqing Taoist Temple?"

The other disciples also felt distressed.

"Senior Sister Duan Zi, the Shangqing Taoist Temple is destroyed. What should we do? Master will definitely kill us if he knows that we are not guarding it well."

"Yes, senior sister, please think of a way quickly. None of us want to enter the law enforcement hall. People will die."

"The reservations for the Taoist temple here are all scheduled for next year. How should I explain it to the pilgrims of the Duan family?"

"Actually, these are relatively minor. If word spreads about blowing up our most important Taoist temple on the territory of my Duan family, how will my Duan family gain a foothold in Xuanmen?"

"It's all Tang Yan's fault, Senior Sister Duan Zi, let's arrest her and let Master deal with her."


The women of the Duan family looked at Tang Yan with great hostility, and each took out their own magic weapon.

It seems that Tang Yan is bound to be captured.

The war is about to start.

(End of this chapter)

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