Chapter 696 Go to jail
Only Duan Xianyue silently held her forehead, and this bastard never remained calm for a moment.

The front foot beat the senior brother, and the back foot destroyed our Taoist temple.

I really don’t know what shocking behavior she will do next time.

I wonder if Master regrets inviting this bastard up the mountain?

Duan Xianyue's current position in the Duan family is a bit awkward.

Although she is senior to Duan Zi, she is not taken seriously by Duan Xiuman.

So these female disciples were ignoring her intentionally or unintentionally.

Everything is centered on Duan Zi.

Duan Xianyue felt that this was just right, so as not to become Tang Yan's enemy, and she was at peace.

It's also good to just be a spectator watching the theater silently.

Duan Zi pointed his sword at Tang Yan: "Tang Yan, I am going to escort you to see our master now. What else do you have to say?"

Tang Yan's big innocent eyes blinked: "Why?"

As soon as Duan Zi saw her pretending to be arrogant but actually arrogant, he wanted to kill her with a knife.

Duan Zi pointed to the ruins next to him: "Why? That's why. Do you think you can be ignored if you destroy a Taoist temple?"

A female disciple echoed: "That is, even according to the law, you are guilty of intentional destruction of property and will be punished.

You may not know that our Shangqing Taoist Temple is on the list of protected historical buildings, so you can just wait to go to jail. "

Xiao Yi felt that this matter seemed to be more serious than he imagined.

He leaned into Tang Yan's ear and said, "Tangtang, how about we run away and let Master and the others come forward to negotiate. After all, if two sects are involved, the Duan family will give me more or less face for the Kunlun sect."

Tang Yan glanced at him sideways: "You have forgotten that I am the current head of the Kunlun Sect. Can't I personally negotiate between sects?"

"!!!" Well, I was speechless.

Damn it, Master, why on earth do you want to find a leader who is so unreliable?

When he went out with her, he was frightened all the way. It was such a test of one's mind.

Tang Yan put her hand on Xiao Yi's shoulder with a wicked smile on her face: "Brother, don't look like you're dead. Believe it or not, I can settle the matter in just a few words?"

"You might as well let me believe that cows can fly in the sky."

"If I really want to settle things, call me daddy twice to hear it."

Chou Chou: What the hell is your hobby? You’ve been enjoying being a father everywhere lately.

Xiao Yi arrogantly said: "If you can handle it, let alone dad, I can call you grandpa."

Tang Yan patted Xiao Yi's green hair: "Okay, grandson, watch carefully. Grandpa will teach you what it means to make something out of thin air. Chen Cang made it up out of thin air~"

Xiao Yi: Damn it, Deyun Club has seen too much of you.

Tang Yan looked at Duan Zi and said confidently: "I haven't spoken yet, but as soon as you came up, you started beeping and saying that there were a lot of things that were not there. Who said that I destroyed this Taoist temple?"

Miao Yuan: "!!!"

You are so confident and shameless in refusing to admit your fault. I really admire you, little monk.

Duan Zi sneered: "I think you are determined not to give up until you reach the Yellow River, so I will let you see the evidence and let you die clearly."

Duan Zi used his mobile phone to call up a section of surveillance.

This camera was hung on the big tree outside the Taoist temple, so Tang Yan could be seen entering Shangqing Temple.

Then, when she walked out of Shangqing Temple, the Taoist temple behind her collapsed with a "boom".

(End of this chapter)

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