Chapter 698 Faith Collapse
When a group like them deals with Tang Yan, they must have the advantage.

What's more, Tang Yan and the others will be suppressed here.

But after suffering many losses at the hands of Tang Yan, Duan Zi always felt that this bitch was very evil.

Therefore, it was just a bluff, but he actually didn't dare to attack her first.

Duan Zi said: "Junior sister, what you said makes sense, then I will leave this matter to you and Duan Hong. You go and tie up that woman."

Xiao Yi stopped in front of Tang Yan: "If you want to kidnap my Tangtang, you must get through me first."

Xiao Bing also stopped in front of Tang Yan: "My Tangtang will be violent if you can't say anything. Why are you women so shameless?"

Miao Yuan also stood in front of Tang Yan and expressed her attitude.

The two women named by Duan Zi didn't dare to step forward and tie up Tang Yan.

Senior Sister Duan Zi wants them to come out as villains, but they are not that stupid.

Tang Yan didn't want to get too entangled in this matter: "You can just call your master and see how she plans to handle this matter. Hurry up, don't waste time. I've been tired all morning. I want to Go back and take a nap.”

Things came to a standstill here, and Duan Zi reluctantly called Duan Xiuman.

Although she said a lot, Duan Xiuman's reply was obviously beyond her expectation.

Duan Zi held the phone tightly and looked at Tang Yan: "Master said that the ancestor worship ceremony should be the most important thing at the moment, and we can talk about the Shangqing Temple after that. Huh, Tang Yan, you are lucky."

After saying that, Duan Zi turned around and left angrily.

The group of female disciples also followed him in surprise.

Duan Xianyue glanced at Tang Yan helplessly for the last time: Little bastard, please, stop making trouble.

Tang Yan raised his eyebrows and responded to her: It depends on your mood.

Duan Xianyue: Humph, he is indeed a little bastard.

After the Duan family woman left, Xiao Yi still felt very incredible.

He knows best how difficult these women are.They actually tolerated such a big thing as destroying their Taoist temple?

The world can be so fantasy sometimes.

Xiao Yi looked at Tang Yan with admiration: "Grandpa, grandpa, tell me why Duan Xiuman let you go?"

Tang Yan walked towards the cabin: "It's simple, because she is holding back a bigger move to deal with me, and using the collapse of the Taoist temple to deal with me is a small matter in her eyes."

It is precisely because Tang Yan knows Duan Xiuman's psychology.

Only then did she realize that even if the women of the Duan family firmly believed that she had destroyed the Taoist temple, she could still escape unscathed for the time being.

Xiao Yi was shocked: "What the hell, the collapse of the Taoist temple is a trivial matter, so how big does her ultimate move have to be?"

Tang Yan replied: "At least it will cost people's lives."

Xiao Bing: "No way, hasn't the Duan family always taken it as their own duty to eliminate demons and protect the Tao? Duan Xiuman considers herself to be the light of the righteous way. Why does she hate you so much that she wants to kill you?"

Although Tangtang can be a bit of a jerk and irritating sometimes, she actually does things in a very measured way.

At least she never actively harms any living being.

Tang Yan had a rough idea of ​​Duan Xiuman's mentality: "Maybe my presence caused her faith to collapse?"

If a demon takes advantage of the situation at this time...

If Duan Xiuman has been affected by the resentment on Due Mountain...

In fact, many of her actions have explanations.

Tang Yan kept these suspicions in his heart and believed that the truth would be confirmed soon.

Xiao Yi sighed: "If your existence makes her belief collapse, it only means that her belief is too fragile and cannot be called belief at all."

(End of this chapter)

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