Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 699 It’s all a drag

Chapter 699 It’s all a drag
Xiao C stared at Xiao B for a while.

Xiao Yi clasped his hands on his chest: "Junior brother, what do you want to do? You can't do it. I'm your senior brother."

Xiao Bing looked back: "I just feel that it's a bit ruinous to say such reasonable words from your mouth, senior brother, so I will do some research to see if you are a fake senior brother."

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Sometimes people can say such profound things. You are just jealous of my clever brain."

"Yes, I'm jealous. I'm so jealous that I want to twist your clever head off."

"I don't want to pay attention to you." Xiao Yi took out his mobile phone: "Tangtang, can you turn it on black? Dad, Lieshen, Grandpa, please help me improve my score."

Xiao Bing complained in his heart: tui, when you want to ask someone to give you points, you just lie down, and when you don't need it, you just lie down. I don't know who learned it from my senior brother who is so shameless.

A group of people came to Tang Yan's room.

Tang Yan set up a soundproof formation as usual, and she would be cautious everywhere when crossing the Evil Mountain.

"No more games. There are some things I think you should know."

It was rare for Tang Yan to speak in such a serious tone, and both Xiao Yi and Xiao B couldn't help but sit upright.

"Well, just tell me. We have cleaned our ears and listened carefully."

Tang Yan told the origin of the resentment in Crossing Evil Mountain and the current situation in detail.

The more Xiao B and Xiao C listened, the more frightened they became. The more they listened, the more they felt that they could no longer laugh and laugh.

Finally, Tang Yan said: "After the Duan family's ancestor worship ceremony, Yun Xie should take action against the Jingxin Bell.

Then, his next target is the Seven-Colored Exquisite Heart, which means that he must destroy the sealing formation.

Before your resentment breaks out, the two of you quickly find an opportunity to leave Due Mountain and Princess County. "

Xiao Yi made up his mind: "I won't leave, Tangtang, wherever you go, I will go with you." Xiao B also nodded: "You are the current head of my Kunlun sect, and my Kunlun disciples will never give up. The leader left and escaped on his own."

Miao Yuan was still surprised. She never expected that Tang Yan was the current head of the Kunlun Sect.

This should be the youngest leader in the history of Xuanmen.

No wonder he found it strange that Brother Green and Brother Pink sometimes looked at her with a little too much respect.

Head Xiao is still as vicious as ever.

Tang Yan felt overwhelmed: "Do you think I should be grateful now that I have a disciple who is willing to live and die with me?"

Xiao B and Xiao C nodded at the same time: shouldn't it be like this?
Chou Chou poked his head out of his bag and said, "You little fools, don't be impressed by yourself. Zha Zhayan will only think you are a drag."

Xiao B, Xiao C: Although we know that we are weak, it is really heartbreaking for you, ugly baby, to say it to our face like this.

Chou Chou added another punch: "Do you think that when dealing with resentment, you can use love to influence the other person? Haha..."

Xiao B and Xiao C: They are indeed Tangtang’s pets, and they are just as annoying as ever.

Tang Yan answered: "Indeed, you are all a drag."

Xiao B, Xiao C: Stop talking, stop talking, the glass heart is so broken that you can’t glue it back with 502.

Tang Yan said very rationally: "I have never liked people who show off, but I am very touched that you are willing to risk your life for me.

However, it would be foolish to give someone away for nothing, not to mention, if something happens to you, I would have to distract myself from saving you, which is not worth the loss. "

(End of this chapter)

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