Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 701 Death of Justice

Chapter 701 Death of Justice
The next day, at three o'clock in the morning, the day before the ancestor worship ceremony, another big event happened in Due Mountain.

Duan Zhengyi was found dead on the competition stage.

He was bled, and the blood stained the entire arena.

The death was very tragic and strange.

Because Tang Yan had just had a conflict with Duan Zhengyi during the day, she was naturally suspicious of this matter.

The women of the Duan family shouted directly downstairs at Xiaomu: "Murderer, get out of here."

Tang Yan knew as soon as he heard this voice that it had begun.

She first climbed through the window and went to Xiao B's and Xiao C's rooms, and handed two paper figures to them respectively.

He also instructed: "Wait a moment, and inject your spiritual power into this paper man according to the method I taught you.

When I knock on the door, let the paper man come out in your place.

After I leave, take off the disguise on your heads and take advantage of the chaos tonight to quickly go down the mountain and leave Princess County.

I found a car to pick you up, and you can see it when you get to the foot of Due Mountain. "

"Well, Tangtang, you have to pay attention to your own safety."


After doing these things, Tang Yan had just returned to her room when she heard someone banging on her room door.

"Bang bang bang..." as if with deep hatred.

Tang Yan opened the door drowsily: "Who is it? It's so late at night and you don't want anyone to sleep?"

Duan Zi's ferocious face appeared in front of Tang Yan: "Bitch, why did you kill senior brother?

Isn't it enough that he lost to you in a duel? Why did you kill him?

Damn it, you vicious woman, you deserve to die. "It's all a bit incoherent.

Tang Yan looked at Duan Zi indifferently: "It's so late at night, why are you so crazy? What killed your senior brother? Did you make a mistake?"

Duan Zi pointed at Tang Yan: "It's you, senior brother has a gentle personality and has always been kind to others. He has never had any conflicts with anyone except you.

Therefore, in the entire Crossing Evil Mountain, you are the only one with this motive for committing the crime. If it wasn't you who killed someone, who else could it be? "

Tang Yan snorted coldly: "Since you said I killed the person, where is the evidence? Why are you yelling without evidence?"

"Get out of the way and let us search your room. We will definitely find evidence."

Tang Yan leaned on the door: "Why should I let you search the room? What if you want to frame me? Who can tell?
Everyone on the Due Evil Mountain hates me, so it’s not impossible for you to gang up and bully me. "

If you tell lies with your eyes open, you don't look like the kind of person who would be bullied.

Duan Zi: "I think you just have a guilty conscience."

"Amitabha." At this time, Miao Yuan came over and said, "Let me, little monk, give me some fair words."

"From what Donor Duan Zi said just now, we can know that your senior brother was killed, and you suspect that the murderer is the beautiful sister.

However, you have no evidence to prove that the murderer is the beautiful sister, so you want to enter her room and search for evidence. "

Duan Zi nodded fiercely: "Yes, that's right, Tang Yan, you have a guilty conscience if you don't let us enter the room to search."

Miao Yuan added: "My pretty sister wants to prove her innocence. For the time being, the only option is to search the room. However, you are outnumbered and powerful. It is human nature for my pretty sister to worry that you will frame me."

Although I dislike this monk, he can at least speak some human words.

Duan Zi looked at Miao Yuan: "Master, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

(End of this chapter)

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